Topic: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Well, as the name says, I followed like 5 tutorials about how to set up a server, when I run the cmd and type the famous line "teeworlds_srv -f serverconfig.cfg", it says that teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.
So... what to do?
I read a few wikis, and used the search button, I DID find users with similar problems, I followed their solutions, but didn't help.
I have 2 files in the same folder as teeworlds_srv.exe, one is serverconfig.cfg, and the other one is autoexec.cfg, wich is identical to the serverconfig.cfg; I ALSO have these 2 files copied in the App Data\Teeworlds, but still doesn't work.
This is my cfg file:

CFG: (serverconfig.cfg)

sv_name Crapher
sv_gametype ctf
sv_warmup 1
sv_map ctf5
sv_max_clients 10
sv_maprotation ctf1
sv_scorelimit 1000
sv_port 8303

sv_rounds_per_map 10

sv_register 1

sv_rcon_password ****

sv_motd Welcome to my server! Have fun!

sv_max_clients 16

sv_spectator_slots 10

sv_teambalance_time 0

sv_spamprotection 0


sv_tournament_mode 0

sv_teamdamage 0

sv_powerups 0

sv_vote_kick 1

sv_vote_kick_bantime 10


sv_external_port 8303

sv_high_bandwidth 0

I do have the port 8303 opened; so... im out of ideas... what could it be?
Thank you for your time


Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

You have sv_max_clients two times in the settings.
You probably won't need sv_bindaddr and sv_external_port.

Try starting the server without a config, maybe the server itself is defect and it has nothing to do with the config.

aka cheesy

3 (edited by Slayer *gV* 2010-07-19 10:37:28)

Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Craphter wrote:

I have 2 files in the same folder as teeworlds_srv.exe, one is serverconfig.cfg, and the other one is autoexec.cfg,

and your teeworlds_srv.exe is located in the teeworlds-folder?
coz the srv.exe needs some of the files


Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Teeworlds should crash if the map doesn't exist or if you have multiple lines in your configuration file. I think it's the 6-char-bug which people are abusing.

rockel35: Can you take the latest server from the following link and try with that one instead?


Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

If somebody was trying to crash his server, this wouldn't happen when switching map, but at every moment.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

6 (edited by Craphter 2010-07-21 01:27:31)

Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

grummi wrote:

You have sv_max_clients two times in the settings.
You probably won't need sv_bindaddr and sv_external_port.

Try starting the server without a config, maybe the server itself is defect and it has nothing to do with the config.

Ok, already deleted both lines, and tried it without the config, and it did work, but how do i change the map im going to host?

and your teeworlds_srv.exe is located in the teeworlds-folder?
coz the srv.exe needs some of the files

Yes, of course it is.

@Kottizen: already downloaded the last build, and it works.

@Dune, I dont think someone is tring to crash my server, it hasn't even been on...

thanks guys, now it doesnt crash anymore, but i have a new problem:


But I DO have an exception:




Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

The port must be opened on the router too.

@Dune, I dont think someone is tring to crash my server, it hasn't even been on...

No need of joining to crash a server. And I was talking to Kott because he told you it was maybe the 6-chars-bug.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

8 (edited by Silentdeaths 2010-07-21 13:45:16)

Re: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Craphter here you go, make use of a config like this:

sv_name Servername!
sv_rcon_password password123
sv_warmup 25
sv_teambalance_time 10
sv_max_clients 50
sv_map dm1
sv_timelimit 20
sv_gametype ctf
sv_motd Welcome to server

u can change the line "sv_map dm1" to any other map..

-I made this little tool to start my server, it allows you to start server without going into cmd
(all you do is run this program)