Topic: [HELP] teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.
Well, as the name says, I followed like 5 tutorials about how to set up a server, when I run the cmd and type the famous line "teeworlds_srv -f serverconfig.cfg", it says that teeworlds_srv has encountered a problem and needs to close.
So... what to do?
I read a few wikis, and used the search button, I DID find users with similar problems, I followed their solutions, but didn't help.
I have 2 files in the same folder as teeworlds_srv.exe, one is serverconfig.cfg, and the other one is autoexec.cfg, wich is identical to the serverconfig.cfg; I ALSO have these 2 files copied in the App Data\Teeworlds, but still doesn't work.
This is my cfg file:
CFG: (serverconfig.cfg)
sv_name Crapher
sv_gametype ctf
sv_warmup 1
sv_map ctf5
sv_max_clients 10
sv_maprotation ctf1
sv_scorelimit 1000
sv_port 8303
sv_rounds_per_map 10
sv_register 1
sv_rcon_password ****
sv_motd Welcome to my server! Have fun!
sv_max_clients 16
sv_spectator_slots 10
sv_teambalance_time 0
sv_spamprotection 0
sv_tournament_mode 0
sv_teamdamage 0
sv_powerups 0
sv_vote_kick 1
sv_vote_kick_bantime 10
sv_external_port 8303
sv_high_bandwidth 0
I do have the port 8303 opened; so... im out of ideas... what could it be?
Thank you for your time