Topic: [QUESTION] Masterserver

Hi @ all

I just made my own Client and I found a file called "mastersrv.exe". I think it is to start a Masterserver ^^ But wich Port does it use???
And what can I do with it big_smile

Question Nr. 2:

What can I do with "packetgen.exe" or "fake_server.exe" or "versionsrv.exe" ?

--- Ja12n ---


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

The master server uses port 8300.


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

Aha Thx! could someone answer to my other questions ,too ? smile


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

MasterServer is a program that makes a list of servers, if you press refresh in teeworlds client, then the master server send you the list of servers.

VersionSrv.exe : i beleve to tell clients what the newest version is.
Fake_server.exe : a program that says it is a server, only its fake. You cant join it.
Packetgen.exe : Packet Generator i guess, no idea tongue

How to compile on windows
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if(!game.players[massdestruction]->get_character()) { game.send_chat_target(massdestruction, "You ever gonna learn to aim?") }


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

@MassDestruction Thanks smile Now I have my own Masterserver for Privat Clan Server wink


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

np tongue

How to compile on windows
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if(!game.players[massdestruction]->get_character()) { game.send_chat_target(massdestruction, "You ever gonna learn to aim?") }


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

i have masterserver.exe
but when i run it
say need master server.cfg
i need create new master server whit my ip
what can i do??
what write in master server.cfg
or i need new program for create master server?!!!


Re: [QUESTION] Masterserver

To run a master server you shouldn't need a master.cfg file - it's just that if you have one, you can define a list of banned servers etc. It can be created with any plain text editor, such as Notepad.

To ban a server, simply type:

...where is the IP you want to ban. When saving the file, select "All Files" as type, and not "*.txt".