Topic: [MAP] First Map (Last_dm)

Hello Boys, Hello Girls and Hello Teeworlder....

I Have maked a New Map it was my First... i think it's very small und a little bit Stupid but i like it....

Name: Last_dm
Screens: [1],[2],[3]
Version: 1.0 for Teeworlds 0.5.2
Download: Windows
On Posterous: >>Klick<<

mfg LooP94

2 (edited by Blue 2010-06-15 13:51:30)

Re: [MAP] First Map (Last_dm)

The usual style for making dm-maps is to fill the whole map with walls and then to cut corridors out. Your map looks graphically definitely plain and the gameplay isn't good. I also don't see any hearts, shields, weapons or anything.

void ..


Re: [MAP] First Map (Last_dm)

i have forget the Weapons i have used this map only for Hook Training


Re: [MAP] First Map (Last_dm)

I would put the ground layer after the game layer, inset of the other way around. Definitely needs a lot of game play work...

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