1 (edited by Sayned 2010-06-05 05:40:57)

Topic: [MOD]MagicDM(CTF,TDM)

Support Commands:
/info - Shows info about mod
/help - Shows a list of commands

Game Commands:
/push - free (Cooldown: 50 sec) - pushing all around you tees
/frog - free - you can not write in chat, can be transferred to another by means of a hammer blow {Tee jumps higer}. after 5 messages in chat, you become a simple tee
/kamikadze - It costs 1 frags - gives a strange ninja sword
/aura - It costs 1 frags - You become invulnerable for 12 seconds
/fireball - It costs 2 frags - makes the fireball, to use hold down the "fire". If progress 100% fireball fireball becomes stronger
/recall - It costs 5 frags - All tees will teleport to you
/invis - It costs 5 frags - makes you invisible for 15 seconds
/stick - It costs 10 frags - send pet on purpose
/pet - It costs 20 frags (Cooldown: 5 min) - encourages pet that will protect you
/fly - It costs 30 frags - It gives you a shotgun for the flight, it requires a gas

Rcon Commands:
krevedko ii - makes player with ID invisible for i sec
push ii - gives player with ID push
fire ii - fireball becomes stronger for the player with ID
auth ii - gives player with ID score
pet ii - gives player with ID pet
fly ii - gives player with ID shotgun with gas

Available rcon through TelNet

Download windows
Mod by Mailz

2 (edited by KillaBilla 2010-06-04 12:08:33)



Sayned wrote:


Why this name?

Sayned wrote:

Support Commands:
Game Commands:
Rcon Commands:

Maybe give more information about your mod, more than just some commands.

Sayned wrote:

It cost 10.

What 10? 10 sausages? What's the gametype? Somthing like RPG? We've got enough of this!
The gameplay will be holy crap think of everyone is using the /recall command.
And how do you get the sausages?
Btw: In Germany you learn this in Englisch lessons: He, she, it 'S' muss mit! (If there is He, She or It you have to add an 'S' at the end of the verb. (It costs 10 sausages.)

Sayned wrote:

/pet - It cost 20 (Cooldown: 5 min) - encourages pet that will protect you

Pet? What for a pet? A little sweet cat? A dinosaur?

Sayned wrote:


Any comments? Which system? Windows, Linux, Mac? Not everyone has got Windows. Release the source files or a patch for those how have got Mac or Linux.

Sayned wrote:

Mod by Mailz.

Who is this? You? A friend? If yes why don't he release this senceless mod?

I tried out the mod and I must say: OMFG!

- The Sausages you have to pay with, is just your score.
- The Pet is simply a piece of armor which flys behind you and kills the enemy in less than a second.
- Most of the commands doesn't have any effect!
- The /fireball is selfkill if use with "fire ii".
- The shotgun-gas doesn't have any effect, I just got: "Gas: 0".
- /frog: no effect.
- The aura is looking like you die of a pet xD
- /recall: OMG Holy Crap! All tees teleport to me, when I have got pet and than use this command I've got very fast about 1.791.568.757 score.
- /stick doesnt't do anything.
- The hole game I get a broadcast:
          Current H = xy tees
          You have z push
Why should I have to know how high my tee is. Or how much of the senceless push I have got?

All in All another fully senceless mod! sad

3 (edited by Sayned 2010-06-04 13:01:32)


Current H = xy tees

Current H = (map_heigth - tee->y)/32

- /stick doesnt't do anything.

First buy a pet, then write this command and hold down the "fire" after letting go and your pet will fly

1.791.568.757 score.

How? I thought that it was impossible

- The aura is looking like you die of a pet xD

Download my gameskin... Here

- The Pet is simply a piece of armor which flys behind you and kills the enemy in less than a second.

So it would be easier to do it, it is impossible to make a cat or a dog without making a modification to the client.

Who is this? You? A friend? If yes why don't he  release this senceless mod?

My friend. Now he makes a new version

Why this name?

Sorry, I wanted to write Magic Vanila mod



It's not Vanilla if it's a mod...
Just one shitty mod among many others.




This is useless.

Kind regards,



Sayned wrote:

Current H = (map_heigth - tee->y)/32

1. We don't need this information.
2. You are calculating it wrong! A tee isn't 32x32 px big, it's 64x64 px. So Current H = (map_heigth - tee->y)/64

Sayned wrote:

First buy a pet, then write this command and hold down the "fire" after letting go and your pet will fly

And what is the sence of this?
Btw: The pet is TOO STRONG.

Sayned wrote:

How? I thought that it was impossible


Sayned wrote:

Download my gameskin... Here

If you made a gameskin for this why don't you put the link in the first post?

Sayned wrote:

So it would be easier to do it, it is impossible to make a cat or a dog without making a modification to the client.

Than don't add pets.

Sayned wrote:

My friend. Now he makes a new version

Why don't he releases this?

Sayned wrote:

Sorry, I wanted to write Magic Vanila mod

Aha, that wasn't my question! Why the Magic? The DM is clear.

choupum wrote:

It's not Vanilla if it's a mod...
Just one shitty mod among many others.

Kottizen wrote:

This is useless.

That's the right spirit. wink

7 (edited by Mic 2010-06-14 10:54:16)


Killabilla Dont be Like "uh Noob i hate your mods i'm much better ohh sausages, ahaha i'm so funny"

His a new member.



Mic wrote:

Killabilla Dont be Like "uh Noob i hate your mods i'm much better ohh sausages, ahaha i'm so funny"

His a new member.

The fact he's a new member doesn't give him the "rights" to publish useless mods. I mean, I surely can be a new member and publish 500 aimbots, crash all masterservers, crack peoples' rcon passwords etc, but I would have been punished exactly as anyone else.



What i meant was that killabilla shall take it a bit easy, He maybe doesent now the qualities of a good mod.



Mic wrote:

What i meant was that killabilla shall take it a bit easy, He maybe doesent now the qualities of a good mod.

I wouldn't say that, I like the way KillaBilla is giving accreditive reviews, because then the modder can learn from his mistakes, which is really good.

Besides that, I think we've gone a little bit off topic now, let's go back.

11 (edited by Sayned 2010-09-16 15:36:31)


Ok I will post here old version. It's not full version.  I remember only two commands "/push" and "/fly" In this version u needn't gas for fly. Rcon command "auth" is work too. I Think old version beter than new. Now I searching "the best version" of MagicDM (not tdm ot ctf only dm)

Download for windows /fly for get shotgun, /kamikadze for get ninja, /aura for get supe shield. For kamikadze and aura you need 1 frag, for fly you needn't any frags

Edit 2
Here beter version but with links to my old community
Download for windows