Topic: [MOD]MagicDM(CTF,TDM)
Support Commands:
/info - Shows info about mod
/help - Shows a list of commands
Game Commands:
/push - free (Cooldown: 50 sec) - pushing all around you tees
/frog - free - you can not write in chat, can be transferred to another by means of a hammer blow {Tee jumps higer}. after 5 messages in chat, you become a simple tee
/kamikadze - It costs 1 frags - gives a strange ninja sword
/aura - It costs 1 frags - You become invulnerable for 12 seconds
/fireball - It costs 2 frags - makes the fireball, to use hold down the "fire". If progress 100% fireball fireball becomes stronger
/recall - It costs 5 frags - All tees will teleport to you
/invis - It costs 5 frags - makes you invisible for 15 seconds
/stick - It costs 10 frags - send pet on purpose
/pet - It costs 20 frags (Cooldown: 5 min) - encourages pet that will protect you
/fly - It costs 30 frags - It gives you a shotgun for the flight, it requires a gas
Rcon Commands:
krevedko ii - makes player with ID invisible for i sec
push ii - gives player with ID push
fire ii - fireball becomes stronger for the player with ID
auth ii - gives player with ID score
pet ii - gives player with ID pet
fly ii - gives player with ID shotgun with gas
Available rcon through TelNet
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Mod by Mailz