Topic: [QUESTION] Visual C++ 10.0
I've got Visual C++ 10.0, but bam say Visual C++ 9 is required. Do I have to download the old version (I don't want to because it takes so long) or is there an other version of bam, that i can use?
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Teeworlds Forum → Support → [QUESTION] Visual C++ 10.0
I've got Visual C++ 10.0, but bam say Visual C++ 9 is required. Do I have to download the old version (I don't want to because it takes so long) or is there an other version of bam, that i can use?
Just do this change in the make_win32_msvc.bat and then compile bam:
@echo off
:: Check for Visual Studio
if exist "%VS100COMNTOOLS%" (
goto compile
if exist "%VS90COMNTOOLS%" (
goto compile
if exist "%VS80COMNTOOLS%" (
goto compile
)echo You need Microsoft Visual Studio 8 or 9 installed
echo You need Microsoft Visual Studio 8, 9 or 10 installed
call %VSPATH%vsvars32.bat
@cl /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /O2 /nologo src/tools/txt2c.c /Fesrc/tools/txt2c.exe
@src\tools\txt2c src\base.bam src\driver_gcc.bam src\driver_cl.bam > src\internal_base.h
@cl /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /W3 /TC /O2 /nologo /I src/lua src/lua/*.c src/*.c /Fesrc/bam.exe
@del *.obj
The green lines add code and the red lines remove code. The second change isn't needed but I like it correctly.
Teeworlds Forum → Support → [QUESTION] Visual C++ 10.0
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