1 (edited by nikoPSK 2008-02-28 18:03:31)

Topic: Map troubleshooting

I don't know if this belongs in the map section, but ohwell... I read the editor tutorial and I set off to create a map for JB4's mod, It's just open. I Don't know why, there are no spawn points there, but you spawn either in the air or soil... yikes It's odd, I am more than certain I used the upper left block for the main layer...

Check the map here:


No, that is not me; it's just a figment of your imagination.


Re: Map troubleshooting

Try adding a spawnpoint, and some floor for the main layer. My editor have given up the hope, so I can't try this out, but it feels right.

Used to be very active waay back


Re: Map troubleshooting

So, a plain spawn point? Just the one titled "spawn"? I have two... I'll try making a platform for the spawn... I have spawn red and spwan blue as well, does that help? (Can't use teewars, away from home)

No, that is not me; it's just a figment of your imagination.