Topic: [MAP] TiTi's map - Freeze CTF

First time i create a map, enjoy it... or not.

Screenshot (in editor, the way to test is too hard for me...) :


If you want more screeshots just ask, or download the map.

Download link (I hope it works) :

http://www.2shared.com/file/5950519/f03 … s_map.html

I don't know if we need to create the gametype in editor or after... but i don't made it.

I think the map is a big huge but nevermind.

Mmh.. what else..? Oh, I havn't try it so I don't know if it works. x)

Oh, the version... the version ? we'll say... 1.0 ?

Diesel Tee.


Re: [MAP] TiTi's map - Freeze CTF

DragonArmy Power smile



Account inactive since 11/8
.. Although i sometimes visit :3...