Topic: [MAP] Graveyard
I made this map, U can edit it but u must give credit if you do.
Same goes for the tiles.
This map has not been released before, for that, there are no updates.
These are the tiles i used and created(edited):
Tile set:
Screen shots (map editor):
nr 1(Without collision etc).: … 111471.png
nr 2(With collision etc).: … 050450.png
Map Download link:
!~ 1. I would recommend for all people to use this download site cause it automatically translates the whole page to language from the country your in....
!~ 2. I would like to thank the creators for making the original tile set's which i edited.
~And i would like to thank them for making this awesome game~
It's mainly made for a normal Ctf But it can be used for TeeMo, Ictf and all those other gametypes too
Have fun.
Edit 1: As far as i know Gameplay is best on Ictf.
Edit 2: Notice: The bottom part isnt made to play in its more like a save for you falling down and lose a point...
(DD)Race, (I)Ctf, (I)Dm, Teemo, Ghost and City