Topic: [MOD] Ghost
After a Question for a Mod like in Crossfire, i wanted to make this Mod.
The Rules are quiet simple: The blue team is invisible and have to hammer the red ones, but the red team
has an instagib Laser.
The Mod based on Instagib, because i was too lazy to make it on my own
sv_laserjumps, 0, 0, 1, Laserjumps
sv_shot_visible_time, 300, 0, 1000000000000000000, the time a blue is visible when he shots with his hammer
sv_hammer_damage, -1, -1, 100,damage of the hammer
sv_hammer_autoshot, 0, 0, 1, automatic shot for hammer
sv_hammer_delay, 125, 100, 10000, time to the next shot for the hammer
sv_hammer_range, 30, 1, 10000, Range of the hammer
sv_laser_delay, 800, 100, 10000, time to the next laser shot
sv_gun_delay, 125, 100, 10000, time to the next gun shot
sv_laser_regen, 1500, 0, 100000, laser regen
sv_laser_ammo, 7, 1, 10, ammo of the laser
sv_gun_regen, 400, 0, 100000, regen gun
sv_change_teams, 1, 0, 1, teamchange after each round
sv_create_spawns, 0, 0, 1, wether you can see spawns
sv_gun, 1, 0, 1, enable/disable the gun for the reds
sv_gun_ammo, 10, 1, 10, ammo of the gun
sv_gun_visible_time, 350, 0, 1000000, the time a blue goes visible when a gun projectile hit him
sv_ghost_graphic, 1, 0, 1, wether there should be a shield that shows you wether you are invisible or not
sv_bot_detect, 9, 0, 10, bot-detector (10 max, 0 disabled)
sv_bot_detect_ban_time, 5, 0, 100000000, the time, somebody get banned, when the bot detector
detects him ( 0 = only kick)
sv_anti_camper_time, 5, 1, 100000000, the time against camping (should be higher then 5)
sv_anti_camper, 1, 0, 1, enable/disable Anti-Camper
sv_anti_camper_radius, 200, 10, 10000, the radius of Anti-Camper ( should be 200)
Paint-Mod to Version 1.1:
(a fun Mod by me)
sv_paint turn on/off the paint function
sv_paint_delay the time until the next point
sv_paint_visible if it will be visible (-1 ever, 1 sometimes, 0 never)
sv_paint_timelimit the timelimit of one point
sv_paint_lines if there should be lines from one point to the other
Version 1.2
Version 1.2 Windows
Version 1.2 Linux 32
Source 1.2 *
Version 1.1
Version 1.1 Windows
Source 1.1 *
If you are using my code, give credits, and not only in the source!
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