Topic: [QUESTION] How I can do checkpoints in DDrace?

That's my entities (link): http://img59.imageshack.us/i/entities.png/
How i can do checkpoints? And maby some another entities are better for DDrace?

2 (edited by jxsl13 2010-04-14 15:25:35)

Re: [QUESTION] How I can do checkpoints in DDrace?

use teleports, that's the easiest way to make checkpoints but the entities u have there are really old, visit ddrace.ru to download the newest ones.

when there are points where u can stick in, just make teleports there that people  go back to the checkpoint.

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Re: [QUESTION] How I can do checkpoints in DDrace?

Yeah... I just think about that when i was playing on map with that. But thanks so much smile