@ Lanta:
The bluescreens have nothing to do with anything recently installed or so.
I haven't said, that I deleted Win32k.sys, which can't be deleted anyway.
I said, that the error was caused by the driver called Win32k.sys.
It's the second time this happens.
There's some lag, the sound runs in an endless loop, and then there's the bluescreen.
Btw, I never had bluescreens on Windows XP before (Except the two ones while playing teeworlds).
Hah, I miss the good old Windows 98 SE...
Back to the topic:
I don't really think TeeWorlds causes bluescreens directly.
I just wanted to ask, if someone experienced the same in combination with TeeWorlds, not Windows itself.
There may be some problem with the underlying drivers, which TeeWorlds may use for graphic and audio rendering or whatever.
Yea, I forgot to write down the stop code, and other things. I just memorized the cause of the bluescreen, and resetted the computer because of a very loud and endless Tee sound loop ("Weeeee!").