Topic: [HELP] Eldan`s problem

Listen TEES has a bunch of bands I've seen 2 though, one called herself "TEESET" and one called herself "BB."
TEES bruises as if they called themselves the name, and everyone what TEES like to have the same name, for example: BB (1) BB, (2) BB .........
They go to any SERVER and KICK who they want!
Every second they do it, and you leave and enter, leave and enter! It's annoying!!!
What can we do about it? Or how I can do it too? big_smile

Hello, Maybe you know me in the game as Hyena

2 (edited by Lanta 2010-03-31 12:43:09)

Re: [HELP] Eldan`s problem

eldan wrote:

Listen TEES has a bunch of bands I've seen 2 though, one called herself "TEESET" and one called herself "BB."
TEES bruises as if they called themselves the name, and everyone what TEES like to have the same name, for example: BB (1) BB, (2) BB .........
They go to any SERVER and KICK who they want!
Every second they do it, and you leave and enter, leave and enter! It's annoying!!!
What can we do about it?

Set up a firewall in your server that ban client with the same IP that connect many times. Or make a mod that block 2 client on the same server with the same IP (you should ban also people behind the same network this way).

eldan wrote:

Or how I can do it too? big_smile

If you do it you are a dead man. Believe me.

Btw, wrong section. That's a support question.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin

3 (edited by eldan 2010-03-31 12:58:18)

Re: [HELP] Eldan`s problem

Thank big_smile
Btw, but its "Other" no?
I didn't understood you "/
Now speak English.

Hello, Maybe you know me in the game as Hyena