Topic: [CLIENT] New HUD modification. New features.
Client modification: new HUD
First of all, a HUD is where the game displays the weapons, health, armor, score,... and all that stuff.
I have designed this new HUD (based on the previous one) with some kind of new design. I have spent on it some hours and I would like to share it with you. If you are developer, you'll see in the source code that I've copied some pieces of code. That's because I'm not a great developer .
New features:
Previous health and armor bars have been deleted. Now they are a couple of solid bars.
Health and armor indicators (with numbers).
Low-health blinking effect: when you have 1, 2 or 3 hearths, then the health bar starts to blink.
Added a weapons bar with ammo indicator (with numbers). It's not totally developed.
Previous ammo bar (with pictures) is now smaller.
Time starts to blink when remaining time is less than 30 seconds.
The score indicators have been moved to the top. Now I think it takes less space on the screen.
Added personal score indicator on non-team-based games.
NEW: added position (1st, 2nd,...) indicator and difference of kill with the winning player (+10,+3,-4,...). It only works on non-team-based games (DM, iDM, TAG and probably other few mods).
Added scorelimit indicator on non-team-based games.
Known problems:
Sometimes, if texts are too long, they can stay one over the other one.
Ammo indicators are NOT TOTALLY DEVELOPED, it only shows the ammo that you previously have.
I don't know it, but it could lag your PC a bit more than the default HUD.
Thanks to:
Teeworlds developers, because I have copied some pieces of their code.
@buffer[] and @choupom, because they answered me in another topic when I asked for help.
Screenshots and download:
I have deleted the names I have been able.
Download link (executable (for Win32 only) and source code):
Please, give me your opinion.