Well, so... Guided Missile:
Max. Ammo: 4 missiles
Damage: 7, splash
Behaviour: When shoot, missile will fly to point, where your mouse pointer has been at launch moment, navigating through obstacles. When missile reach this point - it will just fly straight. Missile will detonate at any contact (even with bullet).
1st remark: Missile will slow down when it turning.
2nd reamrk: Missile has very limited fuel (run out faster, when turning), and when it's over - missile will just fall on ground (but still explode when contact with anything).
Usage: for attacking opponents, which trying to hide from your attacks using landscape's obsatacles. Designed mainly to kill hurted Tees, which runnig from you for their life, and flag-stealers. Also, can be usefull to attack enemies from shelter (well with hearts f.e.). Camper and anti-camper weapon at same time).
Don't try to catch the Night !
Useless simplifications is worst enemy of simplicity. (C)