1 (edited by zoom.chaos.* 2010-02-15 16:08:26)

Topic: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Here I post my views beginner graphics. I hope you like them.

http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/1892/blackstripes.png     Blackstripes. ^^

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/   An avatar for Boo

http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/760/babybornb.png  An avatar  for Born

http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/124/chookx.png  An avatar for Chookx

http://teeworlds-friends.de/forum/wcf/i … ar-362.png     My avatar. I have the aura around the  whole tee made but it  looked stupid xD

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4305/parabellum.png    An avatar for Parabellum.

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9933/pikachue.png   Pikachu <3 xD

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5071 … chwert.png  A tee with a sword

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8526/zombiechaos.png     Zombie Chaos big_smile

http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7176/alpa2l.png    An avatar vor 4Lpa

http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/4537/colanormal.png    An avatar vor Cola

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/8099/zoomlogo.png     An logo for zoom  smile

http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/7024/mirrorl.png     An logo for Mirror ^^

And thanks to M3xx wink

Yours sincerely Chaos (google translation ftw xDD)

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Im sorry, but I dont like your works very much... I liked only your avatar
and the pikachu. First - there are no smart ideas - there are just tees.
Second - they were drawed just to draw them. You didnt thought about
how it will look like in our eyes.
Third - You didnt saw other arts, so you can't build your basic start.

But - for first works they are Not Bad. You should try to make your tees be
more lifefull. Good luck! smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

I like the chook x [+1]

Ingame Name: //w®a* DøñE
Clanpage of //w®a*
Clanmovie of //w®a*


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

[N.W.A] DarkMarta wrote:

Im sorry, but I dont like your works very much... I liked only your avatar
and the pikachu. First - there are no smart ideas - there are just tees.
Second - they were drawed just to draw them. You didnt thought about
how it will look like in our eyes.
Third - You didnt saw other arts, so you can't build your basic start.

But - for first works they are Not Bad. You should try to make your tees be
more lifefull. Good luck! smile

k, I try time wink

@Elo  Ty smile

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

5\10 no comment


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

New avatar for alpa big_smile How is it?

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.

7 (edited by FroZen 2010-02-05 21:22:30)

Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

give credits, copy and paste from Grueny´s work


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

No, he has it, it copies it has found on an internet site and gave me the link ...

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Why you draw the inside of the eye to the tees? O.o
Tee-eyes should be like this - http://pikucha.ru/290800/thumbnail/emotes.jpeg

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

You cannot say him what he should do, or what he shouldn't do! Everyone has its own style, like you have your style, he has his style smile
Just accept it.

@Topic: Really nice pictures choas :>

» Use the Search Function before opening multiple topics...
» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Relax man, I just say that Tee - eyes are more like in the pic... Its just more "teeish".

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Okay thx smile

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.

13 (edited by zoom.chaos.* 2010-02-06 23:13:55)

Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Sry for doppelposting ,but i have a new avatar for cola big_smile
How is it? big_smile

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Np big_smile Thats nice... If you add a black hand, and a black contour to the red tee- that will be just perfect! smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...

15 (edited by DøñE 2010-02-07 01:45:37)

Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

'[N.W.A wrote:

If you add a black contour to the red tee- that will be just perfect! smile

Don't agree...the background is black and if he add a black contour noone can see the contour...

Btw. Your graphics are nice smile

Ingame Name: //w®a* DøñE
Clanpage of //w®a*
Clanmovie of //w®a*


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

DøñE wrote:
'[N.W.A wrote:

If you add a black contour to the red tee- that will be just perfect! smile

Don't agree...the background is black and if he add a black contour noone can see the contour...

Well.. I did made a little mistake - a black contour to the FOOT of the Tee. I think it will look better smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Ok thx smile

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Sry for doppelpost.
But i make a logo for zoom smile
How is it? I like it <3 xD

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

nice wink can you make a avatar for me? ^^

I am Rápido ;D


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Nice, but why are they all defaults? Try to make a telebopp, or a twinbopp or smth...
I like your idea of making abstracts on the tee...Very nice! smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

okay ty smile

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Sry >.<
An new Logo for Mirror ^^

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

Not bad smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

I like the pic's . I think it's not bad . I'll ask you for more introductions ingame big_smile


Re: [ART] My Showroom Beginners

[N.W.A] DarkMarta wrote:

Nice, but why are they all defaults? Try to make a telebopp, or a twinbopp or smth...
I like your idea of making abstracts on the tee...Very nice! smile

Yeah, please make a cat!