1 (edited by Whitefire 2010-01-07 23:59:08)

Topic: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Hey Teeworlds-Community!

Yep I'm back again after a long time... (well,  noone knows me tongue)

I've done a new simple map with my new tileset and called it white_dust, cause I was thinking a bit on CSS and the map dust2. Mainly the map was thought for gametypes like iCTF / CTF / TDM. I hope you enjoy it, and please don't leave comments like "unteeish..." wink

Gametypes: iCTF / CTF / iTDM / TDM (maybe for others too?)


Tileset: Click me

Whole Map (click for lager view):

Other Screenshots (old version... update soon):
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust01.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust02.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust03.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust04.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust05.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust06.jpg
http://project.tee-city.net/images/whit … dust07.jpg

Ps: Thanks to Magix that you keept the webspace for me smile (Will do the website soon^^)

Avatar by Crises
Tee-Project - Website coming soon... [http://project.tee-city.net]


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Ye the left side look very dust2 its cool tongue.

But I think this map isn't a good map for gameplay but looks nice tongue .

-.iB Jordane

3 (edited by Tee Killa 2010-01-06 19:01:01)

Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

You could add some palm trees or some fountain. Would fit in this theme, too. And on the screens it looks like you put the clouds as a normal tile layer, instead of putting it into a quads layer. This would look more professional (I can be wrong wink ) And another point is the background: What about adding something like this: Click me (I mean the dunes in the back). Also you could add a sun?

Only some things to mention wink
But this map still has potential!

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Thanks for your suggestions. You're right, there should be a better background and maybe I should add some doodads..
The clouds are in a tile layer yep... thougth on fixed positions. Do you mean I should do a quad with clouds that follows to the view position of the character?
If this dunes are downloadable for using for maps that would be great, I would add them then.
Ok, if I got some clouds and a sky, why not a sun. Will put that together the next days, okay? If you got some more hints then just tell me, really great that you help me and I really appreciate that smile

Avatar by Crises
Tee-Project - Website coming soon... [http://project.tee-city.net]


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

About the clouds, I just thought that they look way cleaner in a quads layer. But I personaly wouldn't let the clouds follow the player, only for a better looking smile
And for the background, I couldn't find any download, but you could ask the creator if you are allowed to use it. You can ask him here in the german forum or, as I know that you are english, here in this forum. But I know that he isn't very active here, so better ask him in the german forum and write simply in english. Just mention his map called ctfBigDesert there.


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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Ah okay.. will put them into quads wink
And thanks for the link, I speak German, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask him smile

Avatar by Crises
Tee-Project - Website coming soon... [http://project.tee-city.net]


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Aren't you the one from Quickfire, or do I have something wrong in mind? Hmm... dunno xD

No problem :>

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Quickfire? No, never heart, sry... smile
Ah ehm just want to tell: Will fix this "bugs" in the underground region with the wall of the houses.. didn't made tiles for the border top, top_right... Shame on me that I always forget about that stuff -.-

Avatar by Crises
Tee-Project - Website coming soon... [http://project.tee-city.net]


Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

hello this map is great WITH great gameplay, but something strange...there are almost always 2 weapons next to each other, which in my opinion is weird. Great map though! Keepp going.


10 (edited by Whitefire 2010-01-07 20:45:18)

Re: [MAP] white_dust [UPDATE: FINISHED]

Map has been updated. I changed some weapon positions and deleted some "double packs" of weapons. I did the clouds into a quad (yep that looks much better), added the dunes by bobsmiley and also finished the wall at the bottom and did some very small changes. But didn't want to add a sun sry...^^
Filesize is 135kbtyes, I think thats okay for the download time?

Thanks to TeE~KillA for the hints and thanks to bobsmiley for allow me using his desert "dunes" smile

I call this map finished now... if you got ideas on your own on changing small stuffs then do so, but please don't move the credits of bobsmiley and me.
First post is updatet with a new download - also the tileset in it's topic - Enjoy.

@lolwtfcookies98: Thanks, I took care about the weapons now wink

Edit: Overview picture updated..

Avatar by Crises
Tee-Project - Website coming soon... [http://project.tee-city.net]