Topic: [UPCOMING MOD] BUY-Mod (with account system!)
by KaiTee and Bobynator
Whats the buy-mod?
The buy-mod is an level mod with accounts. Yu can register an account, log in with that account and collect exp and money. With the money you can buy upgrades. EVERYTHING will be saved. If you play and collect exp and money and buy upgrades, but you don't want to continue playing teeworlds, you can disconnect, and continue with the same stats at any time!
1. How to create an account?
With /register <username> <password>. Replace <username> and <password> with the data of your new account. Please don't use special characters.
2. How to login?
With /login <username> <password>. Replace <username> and <password> with the data of your account.
You can't login in the same account at the same time two-times.
3. When Accounts were saved?
Every 5 minutes and at logout/disconnect. At server crashes some stats can be gone. So, I suggest, to use the /save chatcommand, if you reach a milestone.
4. Are my data safe?
5. A admin...
wouldn't ask you about your password!
1. How to gain Exp?
You can gain exp with kills and flagcaptures.
2. How many exp you can gain... weapon-set. How many for each weapon, we don't tell you. Find it out yourself
3. Can I loose Exp?
Yes, if you do a selfkill.
4. Where I see my exp?
Use the /me chatcommand.
1. Where I see my level?
In the level tag before your name. (for example: [lvl:0])
2. How many exp I need for each level?
We don't tell you.
But who reaches lvl:God is a freak
3. Can I level-down?
Yes, with many selfkills.
4. Has the level any effects on the weapon or the tee?
For that we have Upgrades.
1. How to earn money?
With kills and flagcaptures.
2. For what I need money?
For upgrades.
3. Can I loose money?
4. Can I transfer money to other accounts?
Yes. The chatcommand for that is /transfer <accountname> <money>. Replace <accountname> with the accountname of the user who should receive the money. Replace <money> with the money you want to transfer.
5. Where I can see my money?
Use the chatcommand /me.
1. What upgrades are there?
There are upgrades, who allow you to pickup weapons. Then there are upgrades, who improve the weapons. And at last there are upgrades for the/hook, like an Rainbow Skin or hook damage.
2. Where to buy upgrades?
In the vote menu. But you need enough money.
3. Where to find bought upgrades?
Type /me in the chat, at "Upgrades: " you find the id of the bought upgrades.
4. Can you sell upgrades?
Yes. But you don't become the full price back. The chat command for selling is: /sell <upgrade_id>. Replace <upgrade_id> with the id of the upgrade you want to sell.
5. How to find out the upgrade id?
Look into the buy menu (vote options). The first number of each upgrade is the upgrade id.
1. What events are there?
We don't tell you this.
But we code more events, this will be not the only events.
2. When come the events?
Every hour comes one event.
3. When come wich events?
It's chance.
Here all chatcommands:
/register <accountname> <password> ... register an account
/login <accountname> <password> ... login
/me ... Information about you
/transfer <accountname> <money> ... transfer money
/sell <upgrade_id> ... sell a bought upgrade
/save ... save an account.
/logout ... logs you out
/cmdlist ... displays all chatcommands
/info ... displays the ingame wiki.
Other Infos
1. Wich gametypes are there?
Why the mod won't be released?
If we release the Mod, there will be many servers. But on each server the player has to register a new account. And that would make the players angry ;D
German Thread
Klick me!
Special Thanks
all testers - for testing and finding bugs
Sushi - help at the account base frame
KaiTee and Bobynator