Topic: [TEESKIN] Mikestro's First Teeskin

Hi people,
I recently started playing TeeWorlds about 3 weeks ago and decided one day, "Why don't I make some cool looking teeskins?"
So I cracked out the old apt-get and installed inkscape and here is what I came up with:


Please keep in mind that the proper filename is "thehornet-teeskin-final.png" imagehosting.com removed the dashes.


Recruiting Programmers to Make Single Player Mod of Teeworlds, Send a message to my ICQ at: 594-648-393


Re: [TEESKIN] Mikestro's First Teeskin

Hum, this doesn't look like Inkscape, but I'll take your word for it. It looks pretty nice for a first gameskin.

Ex-King of Teeworlds


Re: [TEESKIN] Mikestro's First Teeskin

I'll be honest...While I did use Inkscape for a majority of this skin, GIMP did the final touchups on this piece of art.
I worked very hard on this, and am glad you think it looks nice.

Ego 1 up!


Recruiting Programmers to Make Single Player Mod of Teeworlds, Send a message to my ICQ at: 594-648-393