Topic: teestats.info

Teestats will be a teewars community site where any server admin can upload a teewars server log and update statistics on their server.  All stats will be cumulative and be entered into a database.  There will be unique pages for every server entered and every player that has played in the servers.  I haven't decided yet, but I may have the option for individual users to sign up and specify their teewars username so that they can set their own profile, but seeing as teewars doesn't have unique logins right now that might be somewhat pointless.  If you have any ideas on other features or changes, let me know.

Coming soon page
Layout concept

Also, a question for the developers.  Is it okay that my layout has almost the exact same format as the official.  I figured since other people are using game images and other stuff, it wouldn't be a problem.  But maybe you guys feel otherwise tongue.


Re: teestats.info

Interesting. smile

No, that is not me; it's just a figment of your imagination.

3 (edited by ShootMe 2008-02-21 06:57:44)

Re: teestats.info

here is your test log http://wmdb.org/teewars/test.zip since you dont get on msn tongue


Re: teestats.info

Good news!

Url added to link section tongue

aka oop²