*Bump* Just kidding... that would be lame. No, I am presenting my new ideas for new war characters.
Though I can't think of a new name for a new characters, but I have though up a lot of new powers for a new character to use. Here there are. Btw... {MAJOR} means for there special ability and {MINOR} would be for just there abilitys, and *star* are ones I really want in the game.
*Star* {MAJOR} Power 1, Controller: First you have to stand in place then you activate you bind; after four seconds you can leave your tee body (Your tee spirit will be invisible to anyone else.) and find anyone else you want to take control of. Control your new host by walking into them, and you will immediately will have control over them. If you want to leave your new hosts stand in place again and press your bind again (You don’t have to wait until it charges for this.) and go back to your body. If at any time your body dies will you’re controlling someone your control on them will be broken and you have to wait seven seconds to respawn back into your own body. –Note, long time charging wait to use, about two minutes. (This power will be supafly…)
{MAJOR} Power 2, Force fields: Gives you the power to make shield for you or others around you. This will be the only power that you can use at any time, but you have to wait for it to charge (Up too 90 seconds for full power shield.) to make a big enough bubble for at lest a tee to be safe in. To use, put your mouse over anyone/where you want a bubble to appear on the screen and hold down your bind ability button and a bubble will appear slowly grow bigger until you can make a 12 by 12 tee shield that can withstand 25 damage. (The bigger the bubble the more it can with stand.) Or put your enemies in one so he/she can’t hurt you. –Note, anything inside a force field can give still give you damage. So don’t put a red and a blue together… there will be blood… if you do. <3
{MINOR} Power 3, Minions: Summon lil’ minion(s) to take little amounts of damage to your enemies. Two damage per attack, and they attack every two seconds. Minions can be killed with five damage. You get up to four at a time. (You will need a bind for this, like “/minor ability” or something to activate.)
*Star* {MAJOR} Power 4, Invisibility: You are invisible, but your guns are not; so switch to no gun (You can do this will only this power.) to sneak past anyone for a surprise attack.
{MINOR} Power 5, Bomb: Place a bombs anywhere, even inside your enemies, after about 15 seconds it explodes, (Whether or not it get activated by stepping on it) BOOM. It can ether be like this, you can buy more bombs for up to four bomb with each having a two damage affect, or up grade your [1] bomb for a more powerful explosion for up to eight damage. (You will need a bind for this, like “/minor ability” or something to activate.) Wait 20 seconds for powerful bomb chose, or 5 seconds minor bombs. –Note you have to wait until you bomb explodes to place a new one.
{MAJOR} Power 6, Psychic: Stand in place then hit your bind button, a new screen will flash up, anything living will have a white hue to it everything else will have a green hue. That means you can see a taker roaming around looking for a new host, an invis trying to be sly, everything red is bullets/capsules/laser shots/bombs, if and there is a bomb hidden inside a tee you can see that too.
{MINOR} Power 7, Collide: If your gun shot ammo hits a bullet or a capsule they both stop/explode in mid air.
*Star* {MAJOR} Power 8, Matrix: It’s slow-mo time! For five seconds everything will be slowed down about 3x more than you. You are going normal speed but everyone else is going a lot slower, and so is there ammo/hook/jumping and everything else you can think of is going slower with them. (It would be really cool if we could have slowed down sound also for extra effect, but then you would have to download it…)
{MINOR} Power 9, No friction: Your ammo can now go through walls now, but at some point they stop/explode. (Unless you have it all the way upgraded.) Get more upgrades for longer distances to travel though the ground with out it ever exploding because of the ground.
*Star* {MINOR} Power 10, Fly: You can fly temporarily. Recharge by touching the ground. You can fly longer by getting more power ups up to eight seconds, and lest two seconds. –Note do not make it like you have more double jumps! That would suck. It activates by not being on the ground any more and deactivates by your time bar runs out. It’s kind of like you don’t have any gravity at all, (Just for that one tee.) but when you press down you can go down, left, right and up, all at the same speeds.
*Star* {MAJOR} Power 11 Mover: Move tees around, and fling them off the edge! It last only four seconds. Go over your victim with your curser and hold down your ability button and move them around with your mouse and let go of your binded button to let them go. P.S. If you flick your mouse when you let go, they go flying the way to flinged your mouse curser; if you hold your mouse still and then let them go, they just drop down.
{MAJOR} Power 12 Dido: Get the same special ability from anyone on the other team. You get to only use there power once, then you don’t have there power again and you have to wait until you power bar is up to dido again.
{MINOR} Power 13 Shock wave: Up grade your hammer to a shock wave maker… Every time you swing your hammer, you send a shock wave in a 5x5 tee circle giving one damage per swing. Since you can give a lot of damage in a little amount of time, you can only swing you hammer once every two seconds for the first point bought. If you have this power, you don’t even have a working hammer until get it with your first point.
I didn't have time to make up fancy names for them
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