Topic: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?

since the last update I can not find the Teeworlds Skins folder on my Mac,
could someone please tell me wherer it is?


Re: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?

Can no one help me? sad


Re: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?

Last update? Do you mean Teeworlds-Z?


Re: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?

No, since Teeworlds 0.5.1 I can not find a Data/Skins Folder


Re: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?


If it's seriously not there, then answer this: In the actual game, do you have the default skins available to choose?

Ex-King of Teeworlds

6 (edited by void 2009-10-06 13:42:19)

Re: [QUESTION] What happens to my skins when I update on Mac?

Look in ~/Library/Application Support/Teeworlds/data/skins
(Library folder in your home directory)
That's the folder where you should add new custom skins. Add the folder if it's missing.
The default skins are inside the Teeworlds application bundle.

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