Yo... I was playing with the Z bots for a while and I wrote some stuff down that I noticed.
1: They get stuck between two options... Like for instance, a bot was trying to deiced to ether go the bottom path way in ctf4 or the middle path way, to get to the flag. It never got out of it's dilemma until a bot from the other team got in sight and he went for him. When you have time, make a priority list for what matters more in playing CTF, and what matters lest, so it never has to be stuck between for options.
2: I think... When a flag carrier is coming back to base, and the flag isn't there so it has to wait for it's flag to come back so it can capture the flag. So it tries to get some hearts and shields because it's low in them, but a team member on his own team toke them before he could get any. I think you see the problem in this. >o>
3: It kills it's self trying to kill me. o_o (Using the rocket launcher)
4: I'm not sure, but I don't think they have courtesy to spawns that have no shields, riffle, laser, or rocket launcher. They (The ones that already have at lest a little more than they do) take if before the spawns can. I think if they had courtesy, it would slightly ups their chances of winning.
5: If one bot is trying to capture the flag and come across 2 bots on the other team. The tow bots both attack him. This would be fine if the bot trying to run away was still in the base of the other two bots, but if it's almost to it's own base it's a bad thing. One should kill the flag carrier and one should get the flag on the other team so he can't capture the flag if the one bot failed to kill him. <3
6: If a flag, let's say the blue flag get's dropped and a red team bot tries to get the dropped flag and there is two blue team bots there. They both kill the red bot. I think it'd be better if one would get the dropped flag and the other would kill the red bot.
7: Question, If a bot gets hurt by a tee/bot, but the tee/bot that just hurt it is out of seeing range, does it go after the tee/bot that just hurt it?
8: Last thing; Question, If a bot low in health, that has the flag is trying running to it's base to capture it. Will it take a less dangerous routs so it may survive? I think most the time it's main goal is to kill the bot that is trying to kill it. And by doing so, it's putting it's self in harms way.
Thanks for you time. :]
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