After several time testing your bots, I can tell you my opinion.
They are awesome!
But if you let us test it for saying bugs or for improving it here it goes some things I have seen:
- When a tee of the opposite team has the flag, they sometimes don't shoot his partners. Of course he must kill flag carrier first, but if the bot can't get him, then he should shoot his partners until he can shoot the flag carrier. (I don't know if I have spoken clearly ).
- They don't balance teams when neccesary. For example, when we were playing Lord, Nox, ArcA and me, both of you left and we were 4 vs 2 (and we won after all).
- It's possible to kick the bots. I don't know what happens if you kick them, but they appears in the kick list.
That's what I've seen. Of course the 1st and the 3rd things are stupid, but the 2nd one would be interesting to fix, I think.
Once again, good work!
EDIT: I forgot to say other thing: When a game finishes they don't say "Good Game" they say "Bot.say("Good Game")" or something simmilar. Is that a development mistake maybe?