1 (edited by |)ereck 2009-08-28 21:05:30)

Topic: [TEESKIN] Digged up

Hi all,
So, I'm new to Teeworlds, a friend got me into it.

I like to draw, so I decided to join the two: draw for Teeworld.
Below are Tee skins - I'll add more as time goes by.

Series Digged Up:
digged up1
Here's a screenshot: http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/4329/diggedup1.png

digged up2
Here's a screenshot: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1189/diggedup2.png

Please tell me what you think, and no need to be indulgent, I'm here for truth wink
Oh and, feel free to use them as skins.

One of the three fondators of BulletProof Team!


Re: [TEESKIN] Digged up

If you want the truth I'd say it is ..... gruesome! But I like it wink
Good job for a first time.

splinter cell conviction will never outshine chaos theory!!!


Re: [TEESKIN] Digged up

For some reason i feel as though these have been done already...

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: [TEESKIN] Digged up

@101kl Really ? I think this is just a feeling cos I never saw something like that before, but if you lead me to a thread with alike skins ....

splinter cell conviction will never outshine chaos theory!!!


Re: [TEESKIN] Digged up

hm nice idea but not so teeish

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Re: [TEESKIN] Digged up

@101kl : Well, I've seen the zombies for the Zombie Mod. I wanted to make zombies at first, but then I saw them and so I had to find something else.

@Blackout : I don't know that much, when I use them to play they are actually quite nice. Then again, it might come from the multitude of color.

One of the three fondators of BulletProof Team!