Topic: [IDEA] Quakesounds

What's about some quakesound for "killingspree" oder "rampage" etc. Is there a way to integrate them in teeworlds ? (there are quakesounds in counterstrike too so maybe it could be an inspiration for you)

what do you think about it ?



Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

hmm yes nice idea, i think it could be possible, and maybe add some new things after unstoppable, like
GODLIKE, Teegod etc...
or something wink


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

In the mod "war3" is for example a sound for lvl up . So i think it could be possible to make killingspree sounds in teeworlds. Of course , we need coder for the "new" mod with sounds. So i think that an instagib mod would me the best to test on.



Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

after unstoppable comes godlike wink
it is possible, but only if the player changes the audifile with the new for the killingspree. (=> wouldnt be that effectable). but you can code a always used audiofile to the killingsprees...

5 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-24 14:32:01)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

i've posted this idea before here... http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4619
all we need is a client modification... maybe we can start the client mod from the z-team client, that has some really nice functions.
The audiofile should be riproduced when the killing ratio reach a limit, so we don't need a server mod.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

Actually, if you want special sound like one for lvl-up, you'll need special server mod with sounds added and modded client which understand the server and which got the sound needed.

In a few word, you can't just make a new sound in the server, because it won't be played by the client, which would perhaps bug.

|ZPote| buffer[]'s posterous

7 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-24 15:40:23)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

buffer[] wrote:

Actually, if you want special sound like one for lvl-up, you'll need special server mod with sounds added and modded client which understand the server and which got the sound needed.

In a few word, you can't just make a new sound in the server, because it won't be played by the client, which would perhaps bug.

you are trying to tell me that is impossible to make a modified client that where when a float variable like the killing ratio reach a value reproduce a custom wav file? I don't see teeworlds sources since 0.4.3, but i think it's possible... no need of server mods...

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

It is possible with a client AND a server modification. First of all you need a client modification to include the new custom sounds. Then the server needs to be programmed that it sends "play this new custom sound"-information to the client, when a certain event occurs. 
War3 uses a workaround: it uses unused sounds, which still are in the code and standard distribution.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I don't say that.

But, to add non-official sounds (not modifying official sounds, add some), you'll have to modifiyng teeworlds protocol, and have to make a client and a server modded.
So if mbdy don't want your modded client, he won't can play because when the order for the added sound will be send,
the client will crash.

|ZPote| buffer[]'s posterous


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

so, there is no way for the client to play a sound without the server command? o.o

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

Well, normally this kind of event is connected to a specific broadcast message. So you could f.e. check the incoming broadcasts in the client for "rampage", "killingspreee" etc. and then play the appropriate (new added) sound.

Remember the 80s - good times smile


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

You must hide the Broadcust and let the sound there...
But if you make it so, than are broadcasts by admins are crashing the server...
I have tested it...
I have written a Protcast, but than came an overflowing error and it must be ended


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

mrlantastic wrote:

so, there is no way for the client to play a sound without the server command? o.o

No, sorry if I've been misunderstood (bad english...)
I said that it would be more difficult to make sound new sound, if you want to connect them to a server.
Like the server check for lvl up, and send to the client : "do this sound", as for all official sound.

But you can change existing sound, and you can add sound than you can connect to your client stuff without server intervention, by checking as oy said.

If you still want to make sound not only by checking client stuff, tell me,
I'll try to help you.

|ZPote| buffer[]'s posterous

14 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-25 21:40:02)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I've started developing this client mod.
I need only an explanation from some devs... posted in the right topic... http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 430#p51430

For who want this mod:
Pls post here a list of sounds u want to use in this mod... maybe Quake Ones, UT Ones, or what u want... (would be really nice have tee-ish sound XD). Could be also really helpful for me if someone make a collection of these sounds. (only original sounds please, i dont want to break copyrights in the release of this mod... ).

Oy wrote:

Well, normally this kind of event is connected to a specific broadcast message. So you could f.e. check the incoming broadcasts in the client for "rampage", "killingspreee" etc. and then play the appropriate (new added) sound.

I'm doing like this, checking server's chat messages (***) and broadcast. After the client mod I'll do also a server mod with more events broadcast (all you want, just tell me before tongue)

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin

15 (edited by Ubuntu 2009-08-26 11:17:00)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I think, I have already requested that before on the forum. I would like to see that in Teeworlds too.

But maybe we should think of something which could be included in the official version. There are already too much modified clients in my opinion. So behind the idea of these sounds, there is the idea of rewards after some special actions.

I can imagine different ways to do that :
- like on the huh servers, we can display a message
- we can use some sounds like in Quake
- we can use some icons like in Quake (http://www.quaketweaks.com/medalicons.html) which could fit well in the Teecomp scoreboard for example

Of course we can combine these solutions.

Also we would have to think about :
- The proximity of the players. Does it make sense to display/play Humiliation(Impressive, Ownage...) text/sound if we are far away from the player who does that.
- Do we display the sounds for all players, or only the player who does the action? For example "Humilation" is played only for the fragger and for the one who is killed.
- How do we define what a rampage is. Is it for example 5 kills without a limit of time or 5 kills in a limited amout of time?
- Would the quake sounds fit well with Teeworlds (without talking about the legal problems). Wouldn't it be better to create some sounds for Teeworlds?

16 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-26 12:28:25)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

tnx ubuntu for your ideas.
I see your point of view, and i can say your ideas are really nice, but making something that could be integrated in the official client is too difficult for me and, like seen, there are no ather dev interested to this project... -.-"

This what i'm doing and what I'll do (maybe in the future someone could use my work for integrate this better in the original project):

when there are some keywords (like "Killing Spree" or "Rampage" in the server chat messages (***) or in the broadcast, will be played the relative sound i added to the audio folder.
This method will work for server that already exists (instagib and vanilla spree-patched server), but I'll need a modified server too for best generate events.
I'll do this mod on the vanilla client and on the z-team client, and maybe for the zteam client i could add icons like in Quake.

this will be only an improvement of the actual spree-patch, for vanilla and instagib, with more events based on a timer. Every spree won't be broadcasted but written in chat trough server messages (***). So, thevents will be give to all clients and the sound will be played by all.
I wanna say some events are based on time (double kill, multi-kill, and so on), some other like Killing Spree and Rampage are not based on sounds but on kills until the death of the player, like now in some patched server.

And, like said before, i would be pleased if someone could make this sound in tee-style. Actually i'm using UT, Quake and Counter Strike sounds for my Teeworlds events (Flag dropped, flag returned, etc.) and i rly like them. I don't think Quake original sound are too different from Teeworlds gameplay, they'll fit fine. But i need a list of events u want for this mod.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin

17 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-26 13:04:34)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

Captain AMN wrote:

View Teeworlds as a sophisticated quality product.

If this work should be integrated in Teeworlds, I'm out, we need a more serious modder or dev.
We also need to decide what events we want, we need to produce tee-ish sounds and to design tee-ish rewards to add in the scoreboard.

I suggest:

- hammered (played only by the interested player)
- first blood (played by all)

BASED ON KILL/TIME (played only by the interested player)
- double kill (2 kills in less than 1 seconds)
- multi kill (3 or more kill in less than 2 seconds)
(no need of mega-kill)
- monster kill (6 kills in 4 seconds? i don't know exactly what was in ut)
(no need over)

BASED ON KILL UNTIL DEATH (no time limit - played by all)
- rampage (6 kills)
- killing spree (10 kills)
- unstoppable (14 kills)
- god-like (20 kills)

Maybe something with more fantasy could invent some more tee-ish words for these events, or maybe add other events too.
I think there should be in the scoreboard three little coloumns (one for events rewars, one for kills/time rewars and one for kills until death rewards) where will be displayed only 1 logo (the best earned).

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I think instead of copying ideas from other games we should think about what makes teeworlds unique, and make up sounds/icons for theese ones. I also would like not to have a dozen, just really a small set of theese things. What comes to my mind is:

- fastest capture during a ctf game, could be a wing icon ( or something resembling speed )
- hitting multiple times in a row with the laser could be some sound message like "Sharpshooter"

But not that GIGA-KILL stuff. And besides that killing 6/10 people in a ctf ( i think that applies to all game types ) match is quite rare, i would say tw is a "kill, die, respawn" game, not a "one man army" game.

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

torch wrote:

- fastest capture during a ctf game, could be a wing icon ( or something resembling speed )

O_O best thing ever thought ^^

torch wrote:

i would say tw is a "kill, die, respawn" game

Quake and UT too... tongue

But yes, you are right. We can't do too many events and they must be for every type of gameplay.

they could be assigned at the end of the game... when the scoreboard is popup automatically...

-  fastest capture during a ctf game, could be a wing icon ( or something resembling speed )
-  best killing ratio in the game
-  most killed tongue

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I don't like the idea about the fastest capture. In a ctf game, the capture time depends of so many things that it would mean nothing.

Let's see what could be a special action in CTF :
    * +1 for taking the flag from the flag stand
    * +1 for returning the flag
    * +1 for fragging the enemy flag carrier
    * +5 for capturing the flag

So for ctf, I would propose :
- Capture medal/sound : you captured the flag
- Defense medal/sound : you killed the enemy flag carrier
- Assist medal/sound : you carried a bit the flag and an ally captured it, you killed the enemy flag carrier and then your team captured it

In general :
- "Excellent" medal/sound : you made two kills in less than X seconds
- "Impressive" medal/sound : you made two consecutive hits with the laser
- "Humiliation" medal/sound : you killed someone with hammer

All of these medals are from Quake 3.


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

I love the idea of using the well known Quake/UT sounds, but redoing them with "teevoices". As a matter of fact, me some and g0lv did such work because it was planned for Teestrike. Might seen if I can find them somewhere. Also, we don't want any more client modifications. They are virus spreaders and make the game experience different for different people. We start by planning in this thread, seeing what we have already, and then coders make a patch, if someone feels they are not so good, a patch is still a good idea, because others can improve your work and in the end it will be great. That's how open source/patches should/do work.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

Btw making an icon appear above the head of the player is very easy to do - with emoticons. The default set has 4 unused images where you can add icons, then when something happens ( hitting in a row with laser ) the server forces the player to do the appropriate emote; ofcourse it also needs a server side protection which denies players from making those special emotes with binds. I hope im clear oO.

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

torch wrote:

Btw making an icon appear above the head of the player is very easy to do - with emoticons. The default set has 4 unused images where you can add icons, then when something happens ( hitting in a row with laser ) the server forces the player to do the appropriate emote; ofcourse it also needs a server side protection which denies players from making those special emotes with binds. I hope im clear oO.

You've been very clear. And I think it's a very good idea to use missing emoticon for the bonus... this method won't be even too difficult to develop.
So, we can do 4 "rewards". And maybe add tee-ish sounds too.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

Using the emoticons is really a good idea - cause it uses an already given tw-feature.

It's possible to add more new emotes, so you maybe shouldn't see 4 as the limit.

Remember the 80s - good times smile

25 (edited by Lanta 2009-08-27 18:04:14)

Re: [IDEA] Quakesounds

While you think I've done a client mod based on the Z-team one with all sounds. It works really fine in game ^^
Until Chilly and Golv dont find me some more tee-ish sound, if they have, i've included sound recorded from the game, and this is not so legal... consider this like a "preview" of the mod.
Join a full insta server for trying ^^
If my work will be needed for the official project, but i dont think so, i will release also sources.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin