Topic: [HELP] How do I import skins in inkscape to do avatars with them?

Hi all,

I do some avatars with inkscape and I have a question! smile
How do I import skins in inkscape to do avatars with them?
I'm able to open the skins we use in the game, but I have the feets, the eyes and all the stuff..

So please, Help me yikes

Thank for your Help tongue




Re: [HELP] How do I import skins in inkscape to do avatars with them?

Try to follow my skin tutorial which can be found here or here.

If I get your question right, you have to redraw the skins in Inkscape and then assemble part by part your Avatar. Check both links above, especially the standard skin structure video and the inkscape tutorial to learn how this is done.

Basically it's nothing else but to open a png in Inkscape, to redraw the skin file with the shapes and then copy, scale, move and rotate the available parts.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [HELP] How do I import skins in inkscape to do avatars with them?

I suggest you do a everything.svg file where you put all your redrawn skins and stuff so that you
don't have to redraw them each time you wanna use one

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