Topic: [MOD] TeeWorlds+ [1.0]
Heyho friends of Teeworlds,
As you can see, I brought out another '+' mod.
This mod is made to give server administrators perfect control over their servers.
I completely cleaned up the src and improved many parts.
This mod includes a variety of gamemodes like classic vanilla (DM+, TDM+, CTF+) which is in addition extremely customizeable, has nice features like anticamper, killingspree, live stats and more.
Another content is Instagib (iDM+, iTDM+, iCTF+) which is also played by many people.
In addition there is the Freeze mod included (iFreeze+, iFrzCtf+) which allows you to freeze people and gain
a completely new gaming experience.
Download the binaries for your operating system and replace your server binary with the mod's one.
To activate the mod, just use a gametype of it per sv_gametype in your config.
Possible gametypes:
- DM+
- TDM+
- CTF+
- iDM+
- iTDM+
- iCTF+
- iFreeze+
- iFrzCtf+
For information about freeze please visit the following URL:
- Kick-voting or common-voting people are mentioned in the vote's chat text AND in the short notice above the vote bar
- Extremely customizeable killing spree and add an award to the fierce warriors of your server
- Perfect control about clanwars and public games per lockteam, mute, playerlist and other admin commands.
- Inactivity kick for preventing players filling the server slots, but not really using them
- Anticamper to prevent people from camping
- Change the appearance of the laser completely
- Enable the grenade in streetwars style. (c) by art
- Give trusted people limited rcon access to get your server managed without giving them full rcon access to prevent abusement
- Fair spawnprotect, to give spawnkillers points for killing their enemies efficiently and though not making the spawnkilled people get killed for something they cant prevent
- Teleport tiles to get advanced gameplay
- Boosters to get even more advanced gameplay
- Life stats to have perfect information about whats going on and to detect hackers (extremely high accuracy)
- Create message loops to always advertise your clan site, send helpful messages to the players or just spam the chat
- User stats for players to see their personal accuracy and other values whenever they want
- Server Stats LOGGED for each game, to check more accurate player statistics (accuracy, kill/death, etc) after clanwars or tournaments.
// Variables //
// Freeze
// Melting
sv_melt_respawn - Default: 1, Toogles if you respawn while melting or if you just continue playing from where you was frozen
sv_melt_range - Default: 100, time in sec for melting by standing nearby
sv_melt_time - Default: 1, time in sec for melting by standing nearby
sv_melt_health - Default: 10, Health you have after being melted while sv_melt_respawn is 0
sv_melt_tiles_noshoot - Default: 0, If set to 1, you cant shoot when standing on melt tiles to avoid camping on them
sv_melt_tiles_degeneration - Default: 1, Number of health points you lose each second standing on a melt tile while not frozen to avoid camping on it
sv_automelt_time - Default: 30, time in sec for melting without melter
sv_automelt_display - Default: 1, Displays the time left till you automelt with the armor display
sv_melt_usetiles - Default: 0, determinates if the melt tiles are used
// Freezing
sv_frozen_tags - Default: 1, Toogles if frozen players have [F] in front of their name
sv_all_respawn_after_score - Default: 0, makes all people (including the alive ones) respawn after scoring
sv_join_as_frozen - Default: 0, Players who connect join the teams frozen if set to 1
sv_void_frozen - Default: 0, makes people respawn frozen if they fall into the void
sv_freeze_usetiles - Default: 0, determinates if the freeze tiles are used
// Administrating the server
sv_nopublicchat - Default 0, Set it up in clanwars so people can only use team chat
// Killingspree
sv_killingspree - Default: 1, Toogles if killingspree is used
sv_killingspree_kills - Default: 5, Kills you need to be on a killingspree and interval in being announced again. (eg: 5, 10, 15, ...)
sv_killingspree_award - Default: 0, Toogles if there is an award for people on killingspree
sv_killingspree_award_lasers - Default: 3, Amount of lasers which are shot while having the reward
sv_killingspree_award_lasers_split - Default: 1, Split of the lasers while having the award
sv_killingspree_award_reload - Default: 75, Reload time in percent which people with the killingspree have
sv_killingspree_tag - Default: 1, Toogles if there is [SPREE] shown in front of the names of the people which are on a spree
// General comfort
sv_regeneration - Default: 1, Number of health points, the tee gets each second (only useful in combination with melt tile degeneration)
sv_inactivity_kick - Default: 120, Time in Seconds till players doing nothing will get kicked.
sv_join_as_spect - Default: 0, Players who connect join as spectators and dont mess up locked teams
sv_team_balance - Default: 1, Enable or disable auto team balance
sv_reserved_slots - Default: 0, Number of reserved slots
sv_reserved_slots_pass - Default: "", Password of reserved slots
sv_spawnprotect_time - Default: 1000, Time in milliseconds how long people dont freeze and just get killed after scoring
sv_chatloop_interval - Default: 0, Time in 1/100 seconds which is the interval in which sv_chatloop_message is sent to the chat. 0 to disable
sv_chatloop_message - Default: "", Message to be sent to the chat in sv_chatloop_interval interval
sv_teleport_usetiles - Default: 0, determinates if the teleport tiles are used
sv_booster_usetiles - Default: 0, determinates if the booster tiles are used
// Anticamper
sv_anticamper - Default: 1, Anticamper on/off
sv_anticamper_time - Default: 10, Time in seconds for anticamper to kill people
sv_anticamper_range - Default: 100, Range (in pixels) wherein people can move and still being a 'camper'
// Laser
sv_laser_gothroughfrozens - Default: 0, Toogles if laser goes through frozens
sv_laser_gothroughplayers - Default: 0, Toogles if laser goes through alive players
sv_laser_reload - Default: 800, Miliseconds it takes for the laser to reload
sv_laserjumps - Default: 0, Toogles if laserjumps are enabled (not suggested as it makes the game too easy)
sv_lasers - Default: 1, Amount of lasers being shot
sv_lasers_split - Default: 1, Split of the lasers being shot
// Grenade
sv_grenade_use - Default: 0, If 1 people can pick up the grenade.
sv_grenade_maxsplit - Default: 0, Maximum ammo (and split) the grenade can have at the same time. If 0 then the grenade is handled as if it was a normal grenade
sv_grenade_reload - Default: 500, Miliseconds it takes the grenade launcher to reload.
sv_grenade_selfdamage - Default: 1, Toogles selfdamage of grenades on/off
// Referees
sv_referee_password - Passwords referees have to enter to the rcon console to register as referees (there will be "rcon>" though, but it is REFEREE registration if the ref password is used!
The following commands toogle if the command after "sv_referee_" can be used by referees:
sv_referee_mute - mute AND unmute command allowed
// Commands //
// Admin commands
playerlist - Returns a list with all players and their ids
all_spect - Forces all players into spectator mode
all_kick - Kicks all players except of admins
lock_team <id> <type> - Changes the status the team <id> with <type>. <id>: 0 = red; 1 = blue. <type>: 0 = unlocked; 1 = locked
mute <id> <time> - Mutes the player <id> for <time> seconds
unmute <id> - Unmutes the player <id>
kick_r <id> <reason> - Kicks the player <id> and shows <reason> as the reason for the kick
give <id> <type> - Gives <type> to the player <id>. If <id> = -1, then it gives it to all players. <type>: 1 = Grenade launcher, 2 = Killingspre award
stats - Advanced infos about all players.
stats_save - Save advanced infos of all players into stats.txt
kill <id> - Kills the player (if id is -1 it kills everybody)
melt <id> - Melts the player (if id is -1 it melts everybody)
// Player commands
/info - Returns info about the mod
/stats - Returns stats of yourself like accuracy, kd, etc
/cmdlist - Returns a list of available commands
Current Version:
Linux x86 <- Thanks to Redfoxnet for compiling
Linux x86_64 <- Thanks to Redfoxnet for compiling
Mac: <- Thanks to MertenNor for compiling
teeworlds-0.5.2_tw+_1.0-src_patch <- Thanks to Redfoxnet for creating
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