1 (edited by NoxNebula 2009-08-12 16:23:56)

Topic: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

I tell me the question every time... I think tees have not a mouth!
I want to know your Ideas about it.
Many new designers draw tees with a mouth hmm


Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

Tee's have a moth. You just don't draw it.
I base this on, when you hurt a tee they cry, they can only do this with a moth. *case closed*

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Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

Good point, but you can hum or sort of scream with your mouth closed.

It just depends on who makes the Tee.


Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

hm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHwZQvQ- … re=related


Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

loool xDDDDDD funny tongue

i dont saw it coming xD

(thats not english or is it? oO)


Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

zizou wrote:

loool xDDDDDD funny tongue

i dont saw it coming xD

(thats not english or is it? oO)

English? never xD

Its japanese or something.
Funny though. tongue

~{MonkeyStyle}~ - Instagib Teeworlds Clan
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Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

hehe, yes sry i dont know how to explain that xD

8 (edited by 7Voo 2015-04-03 14:32:36)

Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?



Re: [QUESTION] Do tees have a mouth?

tees with mouth looks often bad.

Please refrain from using unnecessary curse / strength words. // ~{MS}~ Azon