Topic: ping problems

I have some problems with my ping since yesterday. Servers that I used to play on with pings of 100-250 suddenly have 1000+ and the number of servers with good pings is sub 10, which sucks.
I was using windows version 0.33 and Linux version 0.32. I made sure I don't download anything and that the network is used close to 0%.
Installing version 0.34 on Linux solved the problem partially; there are many good pinged servers but all the good CTF servers I used to play on have 800+ pings.
I am currently installing 0.34 on windows, see what it does.
Any suggestion for what may cause the problems or how to fix them would be appreciated,


Re: ping problems

Update: The windows 0.34 version works exactly like the Linux one, still can't access the good CTF servers.
What may have caused the sudden change?


Re: ping problems

Maybe your the network in your area is overloaded by any thing. You should try in some days again.

greetings Lord Horazont

For normal games: /usr/games/teeworlds/teeworlds_srv
For highly tuned and totally freaky games: /usr/games/teeworlds/teeworlds_special

4 (edited by eight 2008-02-20 00:04:51)

Re: ping problems

The problem persists.
Any suggestions?
(I pinged google, and it gave me a normal ping, so it's probably not my network's fault)

