Topic: [TILESET] grass_main-mod needed

is there a mod of grass_main, where i can change grass and "not"-grass on ways like this?: http://www2.pic-upload.de/thumb/26.07.09/huc2ca4ob82q.png

maybe a tile like this, only switched: http://www2.pic-upload.de/thumb/26.07.09/5gvl6oq4cw.png

would to it by myself, but im not good in graphics smile


Re: [TILESET] grass_main-mod needed

maybe like this??


hope u like it


Re: [TILESET] grass_main-mod needed

thank you really much smile its this what i looked for!
but: i will use it so (coz of mapsize): http://www2.pic-upload.de/26.07.09/xvnt6zgj1rk.png
is it ok? do u want to have credit for it?
thx smile

PS: i did this post only for ppl who want to use it so too
PSS: pls vote me down, to get hide, thx


Re: [TILESET] grass_main-mod needed

no, credits??

i have only spin one tile... i dont know exactly who made grass_main, but because of one change i will not get credits..