Topic: [SERIOUS] Racism, overboard

Okay, my brother was watching Def Jam Comedy or whatever it's called, and I said it was "gay" (a usual term in america to describe something that isn't funny or cool, and also gay people). He automatically accused me of being racist (the show stars black people mostly).

Now, if there were white people doing the exact same things, saying such a thing wouldn't spark an accusation of being racist like that. I mean, this is just stupid. People seriously need to cool their jibblets about this kind of stuff.

Anyone else have some similar experiences?

Ex-King of Teeworlds


Re: [SERIOUS] Racism, overboard

Although you question an interesting issue here please understand that this is a Teeworlds forum, meant for Teeworlds-related subjects. There are many other forums on the internet which exist to discuss this kind of serious subjects. It would be impossible to keep such discussions without setting up certain special rules and discussion standards which we currently don't have.