1 (edited by lamefun 2009-08-03 15:27:49)

Topic: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

version 0.2.0 Milestone 3 for teeworlds 0.5.x

Hi. Sorry for weeks without news. Milestone 3 is a really big update. It supports up to 4 wormholes (more in next version), tons of new settings. It's now nearly as customizable as KottMod XD. To demostrate the power of new settings, I uploaded some config presets.

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png HIGHLIGHTS:

Fly for fun!

Fire missiles!

Do not forget about fuel!

- Hook is replaced with jetpack, switching between them is possible
- Fuel is limited, use filling stations to refill your jetpack, or set up infinite fuel
- You can tune jetpack and weapons

- Hook still appears for a short time

Next version 0.2.0testing TODO list:
- Fix minor bugs
- Get rid of hook in jetpack mode... not implemented!
- Add Death Star Attack gamemode... not implemented!
- Add shotrate tuning.... implemented!
- Add grenade, shotgun, gun damage tuning...  partially implemented!
- Add admin-reserved slots...  not implemented!
- Add weapon range/spread/intensity options... implemented!
- Add infinite fuel... implemented!
- Add ground fill... implemented!
- Add gravity infuence... implemented!

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png GAMETYPES

DM http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_go.png @DM
TDM http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_go.png @TDM
CTF http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_go.png @CTF

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png SETTINGS:

sv_bmotd <int 0-1 | default 0> Show broadcasted motd
sv_bmotd_delay <int 0-1000 | default 0> Delay between player enters and motd shows
sv_motda <string> first line of motd
sv_motdb <string> second line of motd
sv_motdc <string> third line of motd

sv_jet_speed <int 0-60 000 | default 300> Jetpack speed
sv_jet_accel <int 0-60 000 | default 75> Jetpack acceleration
sv_jet_trail <int 25-10 000 | default 100> Jetpack trail intensity (less - more intense)
sv_gravity_influence <int 0-1 | default 0> Do not disable gravity when in jetpack mode, makes fly up

sv_jet_fuel <int 0-10 000 | default 40> How many seconds can you fly
sv_fill_ground <int 0-1 | default 0> You can fill just by landing on ground
sv_infinite_fuel <int 0-1 | default 0> Enable infinite fuel

sv_jetpack_default <int 0-1 | default 1> Jetpack is default
sv_enable_switch <int 0-1 | default 1> Enable /switch command. May be used to eneble just hook or jetpack.

sv_rocket_start <int 0-1 | default 0> Gives you rocket at start
sv_shotgun_start <int 0-1 | default 0> Gives you shotgun at start
sv_rifle_start <int 0-1 | default 0> Gives you rifle at start
sv_gun_start <int 0-1 | default 1> Gives you gun at start | DOES NOT WORK gun is given always hmm

sv_start_weapon <int 0-4 | default 1> Determines a weapon given you at start

sv_hammer_spread <int 0-360 | default 50> Hammer spread in degrees
sv_hammer_guarant <int 0-1000 | default 50> Hammer explosion-free zone
sv_hammer_random <int 0-1000 | default 200> Hammer explosion zone
sv_hammer_explosions <int 0-50 | default 2> Hammer explosion count

sv_gun_explosion <int 0-1 | default 1> Gun bullets explode
sv_shotgun_explosion <int 0-1 | default 1> Shotgun bullets explode
sv_rocket_explosion <int 0-1 | default 1> Rockets explode

sv_gun_infinite_ammo <int 0-1 | default 1> Gun has infinite ammo
sv_shotgun_infinite_ammo  <int 0-1 | default 0> Shotgun has infinite ammo
sv_rocket_infinite_ammo  <int 0-1 | default 0> Rocket has infinite ammo
sv_rifle_infinite_ammo  <int 0-1 | default 0> Rifle has infinite ammo

sv_gun_reload <int 0-9999 | default 125> Gun reload time
sv_shotgun_reload  <int 0-9999 | default 500> Shotgun reload time
sv_rocket_reload  <int 0-9999 | default 500> Rocket reload time
sv_rifle_reload  <int 0-9999 | default 800> Rifle reload time

sv_rocket_trail_enable  <int 0-1 | default 1> Rocket trail
sv_rocket_trail  <int 25-1000 | default 0> Rocket trail intensity (less - more intense)
sv_shotgun_spread <int 0-50 | default 3> Shotgun spread
sv_rifle_laser <int 0-1 | default 0> Rifle is laser, not blaster

sv_hyperjump <int 0-1 | default 0> Enable hyperjump ability

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png RCON COMMANDS:

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_green.png kill <id> - Kill bad player
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_green.png pause - Pause/unpause game

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png CHAT COMMANDS:

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_green.png /info - Show info
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_green.png /switch - Switch between jetpack and hook

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png ABILITIES:

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_green.png /hyperjump - Teleport you to your base (in TDM/CTF) or at random spawnpoint (DM). Takes 60 sec to appear, 120 to reload.

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png DOWNLOAD:

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/application_xp_terminal.png Windows binary -
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/application_xp_terminal.png Linux binary http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahhg694/n/teeworlds_srv
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page_white_cplusplus.png Patch http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahhg693 … 0ms3_patch

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png MAP: flyctf5 http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahhg696/n/flyctf5_map UPDATED! ctf5 modified to fit Aviator
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png MAP: flyroma http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe619g/n/flyroma_map roma modified to fit Aviator
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png MAP: stardestroyer http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe619h … troyer_map by colourful.darkfather

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png PRESET: Default (fun) http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahh005d/n/adefault_cfg Default
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png PRESET: Kott (fun) http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahhg7ch/n/akott_cfg KottMod like settings
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png PRESET: TeeSpace (fun/skill) http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahh005g/n/ateespace_cfg TeeSpace like settings

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png APPLYING PATCH:

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_go.png cd teeworlds-0.5.1-src
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/bullet_go.png patch -p1 < aviator-0.2.0ms3.patch

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/control_play_blue.png MAPMAKING :

http://www.teeworlds-community.de/files/silk/icons/page.png TILES: entities.png http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/6454/entities.png Teleports and fuel

How to make teleport: just place a group of holeX tiles at one entrance, one group at another entrance. It will detect everything automaticaly.
How to make fuel: just place gas tiles at fuel spot big_smile
Examle screenshot: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6237/s … t0001p.png


icons by famfamfam


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

1. Yes it's nearly same. In fact, it was inspired of crazy mods slogan XD.
2. No. Mod's in alpha stage so there will be many new entities to place on the map (like wormholes or grenade-puking tiles). I will need map when mod goes to RC1 stage XD.


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

so, shall i make maps or not?


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Cool and simple mod, have to try smile


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Zeratul wrote:

so, shall i make maps or not?

Not yet. I will add grenade-puking tiles and teleports.

6 (edited by DinoSmoothie 2009-07-21 17:37:30)

Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

it actually kind of hurt on Windows...




Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Try frist to install al libary's look the last error mybe the frist there is an error too about an .h file

8 (edited by lamefun 2009-07-21 19:05:31)

Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

I will now download new version that I made today. Patch is fixed there.

Before reporting any bugs please check that your MD5 is correct and you have all required dependiceis!

Please limit the usage of Caps Lock to the bare minimum. // ~{MS}~ Azon


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

can anyone compile it for windows?


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

I will. Just install Windows Vista on my Virtual Box XD

11 (edited by Dune 2009-07-23 08:13:37)

Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Nice mod smile
How many time before the aviator skins ? tongue

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

pls compile it for Win32!


my favorite songs: New Divide, Numb/Encore, We made it!(LINKIN PARK)
my tee:[AgH]Shadow_0360   my clan:[.Døt]


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

come on colourful, compile it. you said u would to it, 1 week ago!


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

I'm currently working on Aviator v2 milestome 3. no Windows binary until ms3.


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

aaah this guy is so great ö.Ö


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Milestone 3 done!
Thanks to TNk clan for hosting Aviator mod. Please upgrade it.


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Can somebody make the binarry for win32?


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

hey, pls upload your source, your patch dont work.
I tell it you in icq many times...


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

he lost his source ^^


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

I will when I finish Milestone 4

21 (edited by KillaBilla 2009-08-04 13:07:39)

Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

I will compile but give us the source, the patch is not working on Windows.

And can you please compile my Stay on the Flag Mod for Mac or Linux?
Link: http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4585


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

It works! I tested it!


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

It is a Linux or Max patch, these patches have other line ends ^^

Just give me the source its not very hard to upload the source just go www.uploaded.to and upload it xD


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

compile for win32 pls!

my favorite songs: New Divide, Numb/Encore, We made it!(LINKIN PARK)
my tee:[AgH]Shadow_0360   my clan:[.Døt]


Re: [MOD] Aviator v0.2.0 Milestone 3 - NEW! + ultimate config!

Hey, why it gives no binnarie for win32?
I will have it on win32....