Topic: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

I need to compile teeworlds version 0.4.3 but I cant find version 0.4 of bam.  I read in another article that you need this version and I have already tried compiling with version 1 and 2.


Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

The only way to acquire such old bam versions is to go to the trac and get a snapshot from the date 0.4.3 was released.

But either way, why would you want to compile 0.4.3? 0.5.1 is better in all ways.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

bam 0.4.0??? the newest version is 0.2.0 oO

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
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*gV* rox ^^

4 (edited by sonicrules1234 2009-07-10 18:56:04)

Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

Chi11y wrote:

The only way to acquire such old bam versions is to go to the trac and get a snapshot from the date 0.4.3 was released.

But either way, why would you want to compile 0.4.3? 0.5.1 is better in all ways.

Thanks! I got it.
EDIT: Oh wait, I don't. I seem to have gotten the source to teeworlds, not bam.
So how do I get a snapshot?


Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

The reason I want to use 0.4.3 is because I found some bot code for that version and I want to use it.  And this is not the bot dummies.  I think it belongs to Lite.


Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

Bots shouldn't be used at all. The developers/moderators won't help you know.



Re: [HELP] bam 0.4.0

Teeworlds Trac
Bam Trac
Aimbots shouldn't be used at all, because they're very unfair.
But if you mean bots which are completely autonomous,
I think its an very interesting subject, of course not to be better as other players,
just for fun.