I have the same problem on my laptop, a Mac PowerBook G4 V 10.4.11, but its on TeeWorlds V 0.5.2.
Here's what I got on the Terminal:
Last login: Sat Aug 14 12:12:31 on ttyp1
/Volumes/Teeworlds/Teeworlds.app/Contents/MacOS/teeworlds; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
zees-powerbook-g4:~ jamielam$ /Volumes/Teeworlds/Teeworlds.app/Contents/MacOS/teeworlds; exit
[4c66eacd][engine]: running on unix-macosx-ppc
[4c66eacd][engine]: arch is big endian
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f1 (282) = toggle_local_console
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f2 (283) = toggle_remote_console
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound tab (9) = +scoreboard
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f10 (291) = screenshot
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound a (97) = +left
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound d (100) = +right
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound space (32) = +jump
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +fire
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound mouse2 (324) = +hook
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound lshift (304) = +emote
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound mousewheelup (331) = +prevweapon
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (332) = +nextweapon
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound t (116) = chat all
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound y (121) = chat team
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f3 (284) = vote yes
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f4 (285) = vote no
[4c66eacd][engine/datadir]: paths used:
[4c66eacd][engine/datadir]: .
[4c66eacd][engine/datadir]: /Users/jamielam/Library/Application Support/Teeworlds
[4c66eacd][engine/datadir]: data
[4c66eacd][engine/datadir]: saving files to: /Users/jamielam/Library/Application Support/Teeworlds
[4c66eacd][console]: failed to open 'autoexec.cfg'
[4c66eacd][console]: executing 'settings.cfg'
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][]: added fav, 0x0
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound tab (9) = +scoreboard
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound a (97) = +left
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound b (98) = say /right
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound c (99) = say /left
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound d (100) = +right
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound e (101) = +nextweapon
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f (102) = say /up
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound j (106) = rcon ninja_me;rcon weapons_me;rcon super_me
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound k (107) = kill
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound l (108) = say Lol.
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound p (112) = say iandum scored a point!
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound q (113) = +prevweapon
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound r (114) = say /r
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound s (115) = +hook
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound t (116) = chat all
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound v (118) = say /down
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound w (119) = +jump
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound x (120) = emote 14
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound y (121) = chat team
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound z (122) = emote 12
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound down (274) = rcon down
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f1 (282) = toggle_local_console
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f2 (283) = toggle_remote_console
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f3 (284) = vote yes
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f4 (285) = vote no
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound f10 (291) = screenshot
[4c66eacd][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +fire
[4c66eacd][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[4c66eace][client/sound]: sound init successful
[4c66eacf][font]: gfx memory used for font textures: 3058288
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin bluekitty
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin bluestripe
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin brownbear
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin cammo
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin cammostripes
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin coala
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin default
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin limekitty
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin pinky
[4c66ead0][game]: load skin redbopp
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin redstripe
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin saddo
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin toptri
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin twinbop
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin twintri
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin warpaint
[4c66ead1][game]: load skin x_ninja
[4c66ead6][]: 8058.393066.2ms
[4c66ead6][client]: version 0.5 b67d1f1a1eea234e
[4c66ead6][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[4c66eadf][netclient]: disconnected. reason="(null)"
[4c66eadf][client]: connecting to ''
[4c66eae0][client]: connected, sending info
[4c66eae0][client]: loading map, map=Symbios wanted crc=0ef6beac
[4c66eae0][datafile]: datafile loading. filename='maps/Symbios.map'
[4c66eae0][datafile]: datafile loading. filename='downloadedmaps/Symbios_0ef6beac.map'
[4c66eae0][client]: loaded map 'downloadedmaps/Symbios_0ef6beac.map'
[4c66eae0][client/network]: loading done
[4c66eae0][datafile]: loading data index=12 size=1911 uncompressed=250000
[4c66eae0][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=297 uncompressed=250000
[4c66eae0][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=1086 uncompressed=250000
[4c66eae0][datafile]: loading data index=13 size=657 uncompressed=250000
[4c66eae1][datafile]: loading data index=14 size=1904 uncompressed=250000
[4c66eae1][datafile]: loading data index=15 size=816 uncompressed=250000
Segmentation fault
[Process completed]