Topic: [INFO] Measurements

When making any good map, every map maker measures different things to ensure that the layout of the map is suitable to the play, and that cool jumps, tricks, and fights can be started in speciallized parts of the map. This is done by measuring various aspects of tee physics, and using that in the map. A spectacular example of this is the map "CTF2", or "Lost".

However, many other map makers don't do this, and end up making bad maps, that look great, but are terrible to play on. Therefore, I will share some of the measurements I have taken, and I hope in return, you tees can contribute by adding your own measurements. Each "unit" in the list below is one tile in the map editor.

Length of Laser Shot = 25 units
Length or farthest shotgun shot = 19 units
Length of pistol shot at 0 degrees = 12 units
Length of hook = 11 units
Height of first jump = 5.5 units
Height of doublejump = 10 units
Distance of Nade Launch at 45 degrees = 22.5 units
Height from grenade shot straight down without jump = 4 units
Normal Run Speed = 16 units per second

I hope you find this useful.

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!

2 (edited by Stephanator 2009-06-16 20:26:54)

Re: [INFO] Measurements

How can you compare lost with ctf2 oO!!

I would not take lost as an example of a good map, in my eyes it is the opposite of ctf2...

Qi - high level gaming


Re: [INFO] Measurements

I wanted to attract Instagib users to start making good maps. Although CTF was designed using measurements of all weapons, Lost was designed only with the measurement of the laser. This is the reason why many instagib players love lost, but many vanilla players hate it.

Although lost is badly tiled, the layout is undeniably good for instagib. Now steph: I know for a fact that you make maps using measurements so post some up here! I refuse to find another badly made map on this forum!

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: [INFO] Measurements

I think all those numbers won't help people to make good maps, you just need some experience in making maps and have the feeling for the right height of tiles. Then, in extensive tests you have to adjust and tweak everything so that both noobs and pros can make great moves and have their fun. The problem is that if a player is not at such a high level at playing, he will make maps which are good for his level of skill, which are often bad maps in our eyes because we move in a different way, mainly faster. So to rise the quality of maps you have to rise the player's skill first...

Qi - high level gaming


Re: [INFO] Measurements

This is great!
I have thought to do something like this awhile ago, but never did...

I had some measurements... but I seem to have lost the papers...
btw, can you please post the length of one sword slash, at a 90 degree angel, and then at 0/180 degree angel? Also how far can you go straight up, with only using the ninja sword at a constant rate?

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!


Re: [INFO] Measurements

Most of those numbers aren't too effective for making good movement. What it is about is learning when to use the right sizes of corridors, and which angles give which speed etc. Those things are quite hard to teach, but I might see if I can get some numbers for yyou people.

Also, lost wasn't measured, that is quite obvious if you open it in the editor and check some of the platforms, the good movement of lost is mainly because such openess is a failsafe way to make the map easily moveable. ctf2 was made with 0.3 physics in mind, so it's well measured, but I wouldn't say everything is optimal for -worlds physics, which is mhy ctf2 opposed to most other maps imo have slower gameplay now compared to 0.3.

Anyway, the best way of making great movement in maps is probably to have a local server and test every tile you make. It's good to remember that a bad player is a bad mapper, but a good player isn't necessarily a good mapper, people tend to think that "I'm not good at playing, so I can be a good mapper." Just looking at those numbers is useless if you have no idea how they're used in fights, or to gain high speed. Also, even if you're a good player, not all people can really see the whole picture in the game, or know _what_ makes maps good, compared to _ctf2_ is good. (;

So instead of watching these numbers blindly, learn the game and practice mapmaking until it get's better and better (;

A trend on this forum is that the bad mappers release alot of crap and the good mappers such as steph or dare I say me release very little. Might it be because time and tweaking is needed for great maps..? Something to think about.

EDIT: oh, and please don't call it units per second or even units. units per second, or ups, is what the code uses for speed measurements, and 1t (tile) = 32x32u so saying walking speed is 16ups is a joke (;

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites

7 (edited by Bee 2009-06-17 14:33:48)

Re: [INFO] Measurements

Very true. Whenever I make a map, I just click on the [1:1] and look with my eyes to see if it looks like it's good game play.

~But!~ When you are making race maps, it's good to know Measurements.

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!


Re: [INFO] Measurements

Thanks Magix a lot!  I think this will be useful for many people!
But unit = tee (tees)
Maybe you can add second jump height

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.


Re: [INFO] Measurements

Second jump height depends on where you jump at from your first jump height. On its own, its value is one tile less.

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: [INFO] Measurements

And also...
How high does the up arrows in the race mod shot up, "X Units"?
How far does the left and right arrows shot you to the left/right, "X Units"? (One for on the ground, another for right off a ledge)
And what does the <> arrows do?

And lastly is there an equation to all of this?

Like: 1 up arrow = 50 units. So, all the next up arrows/down arrows, above it has a 40% higher/lower effect on it?  2 up arrow = 70 units, 3 up arrows = 98 units, 4 up arrows = 137.2units...ect...?
Or like wise, 1 up arrow + 1 down arrow = 30 units, 2 up arrows + 3 down arrows = 15.12 units?

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!