Some are my ideas, some are ones I have seen before:
Whisper chat.
You get to talk to one person with out any one else seeing it! Very helpful in clans, when giving out passwords, clan wars dates, ect...
Sever ratings. (In stars)
You get to rate the sever for it's: Map qualitee, Mods it uses, people they let in, all that good stuff. And seriously... if you have bad ping because your compy is in a different country, don't give it a bad rating... it's mean.
Map editor button.
Makes it seem more official... but not really that important.
Map editor help.
Mostly like the tutorial here, but more up to date, and more official. (It toke me about 2 months to know everything on how to play, and techniques!)
Kick comment.
You get to post a comment on why you are kicking some one. There would also be an agree and disagree button, mostly to see if people agree with it.
Kick tweak.
I think percentage would be better than how it is now. Because many times allot of people would want some one gone. But since it didn't go over the bar, they stayed.
You get to vote for some one not to talk any more! (Spammers beware)
Kick ban.
You get to vote, to take away someones kick function. Let's say some one keeps on trying to kick some one, and no one wanted him gone except they guy who is trying to kick them right?
Auto kick.
Your not moving at all for more than five minutes, a? ;o
Try falling form a great height again, see what happens. Maybe also put in Ella-ella, or a Parachute? If implemented.
Kinda like a friends list... it shows you where not to go.
Let's talk graphics.
New emotions, new tile sets... maybe a woodland_main?, new tee skins, an official generic_spike.
Things like: New weapons (I know you must be tired of hearing that), In map editor in stead of having to click for the right number, you can just type it in? New maps, (but I can wait.)
Pro to Noob Ratio
Many times I have gone to a sever with equal teams, but you can clearly tell that one team has more pros, or better players. So my idea is that there would be an auto team switch, were it takes one of the better players, (They would have a high score) and gives it to the bad team, and gives a noob (has a low score) to the good team.
Finely! A skin down-loader in teeworlds! (For more, see my comment 8 below)
Swan immunity
You have 2 seconds of immunity to dieing when you swan.
Because sometimes, I see people camping by swan points, and keep on killing them. And also you don't want to die again, right after you just did, right?
A vote for the down-loaders
Has this happened to you?
You were minding your own bissness, downloading a huge mega bit of a map, and a vote was made to change the map? Now you just wasted all of that time for nothing, and will have to do it all over again... now, you will be sent a message to vote "yes" or "no" to have the map changed wile you are downloading a map! *angels sing*
New stuff in maps.
I like it if there was: Some type of destroyable ground | Different types & sized of crates (Big, medium, and small; wooden (floats on water, lighter weight) and metallic (sinks in water, heavier)) you can move around by pulling it by the hook (if it's wooden) or moving it with your body | The water mod is an interesting idea. So, there should be water, it's physics would be: You will eventually bobble to the surface of the water. You can last only about 15 secs under water with a ticker ticking down every second showing how much time you have left. When you fall into the water your body will sway back and forth, less if you fall faster. You can swim: Left, right, up, down, but it's much harder going down than up. At some point, if you fall really fast into the water, you'll die on impact. Every thing that is in the water will have a wavey effect to it. You can specify water to move: Left, right, down, and even up (In every way, it will push you and crates in the same direction as it's going). And lastly you body will descent much slower once you ascend into the water. | Doors, Spikes & Buttons... And yes, if you are under the door while it's closing... you will die, slowly and painfully. >:} Buttons will be used to close the and open the door[s] (Buttons can be specified to open more than one door.): Buttons can specified to open & close doors, others can be specified to only open or only close doors; some buttons can be specified for color coordination to it's own door... for the learning imparted. Buttons can only be placed on the ground, walls or sealing. You can specify a door to have more than one button. Each button you will have to specify it's PST (Pressure per square tee.(tee is now an official unit of measurement.)), basically, it's how much weight has to be put on it so the button so it will be pushed all the way down to trigger the door. Normal PST is 1. How much weight is that? It's the weight of 1 tee standing on top of it. Maybe you can use boxes for extra weight, or for the use of a platform so a bunch of tee's can stand on it if has an extreme PST. In the map editor you will see lines connecting the buttons to the doors to make it easier to keep track of. (All the of specification, will be tuned while in the map editor.) And just for clarified sake, you can used buttons to trigger doors to open and let in water. And spikes can also be triggered by buttons. Maybe it's use it for a surprise booby-traps in maps. ;o | Fire! It's simple: Don't go into the flames, you'll catch on fire. The only way for it to go out is if you respawn, or you jump into some nice color water. Every second your on fire, you lose 1 heart and 1 shield.
New game-types.
Catch... for more info go here. > <
Meh... I might think of more things later.
Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!