Topic: Search old mod
Hi to all. I warn at once on english I am not able to write, the translator therefore used.
Existed such mod (his name: Homing mod ) for version Teewars 0.4.2
On version 0.4.2 always used it on the server because of possibility of tuning of the weapon (has not ceased to play yet Teeworlds, instead of played somewhere half-year). It would be desirable same mod on version 0.5.1
Weapon tuning in it to a mod(Full comand list + spam protection):
* Increase or reduction of damages from the weapon
* Increase or reduction of speed of shooting (!)
* Increase or reduction of "regeneration" of cartridges (!)
* Inclusion or switching-off of a mode of self-directed cartridges (very cheerful piece)
* and other functions (now the such exist in "[N] race" and "Race")
Perhaps all