Topic: Justify when calling for a vote

Hi world
I have a suggestion. There are too many abuse votekick called, and too often changemap following my advice. I think that make player write a justification sentence when he calls a vote would be a good solution, at least to prevent abuse votekick.
What do you think about that ?

Play ctf_fall if you dare!


Re: Justify when calling for a vote

nice idea...

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: Justify when calling for a vote

In what way would this work against abusive votekicking? If people want to kick you on purpose, they'll still kick you. If they need to type a line they'll just type something senseless, or lie that you are rude / abusive.

Also when you want to change a map, you can only have one real justification, that is that you prefer that one above the current one. It's a bit pointless to say that you like the gameplay better because this is obvious from the fact that you want to vote for that map. Same goes for votekicks, because when you kick someone you're mainly saying that you don't want him in the server. Although it could be useful for people to know why you don't want someone in the server, they'll never know if what you're saying is true, and can't really use this extra info as something to balance their vote on.

People usually take very little time to vote for a decision, they just choose what benefits themselves most. If they're winning the current game, they'll vote negative, if they're far behind they'll vote positive for a new map. When someone annoys them because he or she is too good, they'll be easier seduced to vote in favor of a kick. People simply can't possibly know if your request to votekick someone is genuine due to his rudeness which you state or simply because you don't like him personally.

Although this idea wouldn't hurt the game and probably prevent some rare voting problems, the only real solution to this is to join servers which don't allow votekicks or respectable server with core members who respect anyone who respects them.


Re: Justify when calling for a vote

force vote.
if a person does not vote, they get kicked [but not banned] and there is a message telling them how to vote to avoid future kicks

5 (edited by Azon 2009-05-26 10:33:45)

Re: Justify when calling for a vote

That would create a pretty strange situation. Just because someone wants to kick someone you don't know and have no positive or negative opinion about you should still choose? How should one make a decision if you don't know if this person is being kicked for a legit reason?

During most votes, only about 50% of the present players vote, in your perspective 50% of the server would first have to be kicked and then forced to use the vote function, even if they don't want to. Such policy would pretty much go against every principle Teeworlds has.

People need to understand that votes won't give you total control over a server, you can't always use them for the changes you would like to make. Since the day votes were implemented there has been a discussion on whether the good of this limited control for the players is sufficient to balance out the negativity that follows on abusive votekicking. No changes whatsoever are sufficient to shift this balance more to good without inflicting additional evil.