Topic: [SOLVED]Help me, im new to linux/arch linux
Can someone help me on how to install this game on linux? i got arch linux.... if that makes a difference... give me a guide on how to install the game pls... im used to windows but my bro changed it to linux so i have to download this again and i didn't thought that linux would be even harder to me . I went to downloads, clicked the linux 86x thing beside the version 0.51 and when it was finished it was in /home/myname <----my name = not gonna tell u my name . Then i went to the folder called desktop. After that I right clicked teeworlds-0.5.1-linux_x86.tar.gz, and clicked extract archive here(extracted the folder in the desktop folder of /home/myname) then i opened the newly extracted folder and try starting the teeworlds.exe thing(not really exe, it was only teeworlds, and no its not teeworlds_srv) and it did nothing!!!! Please help me!!
I want to play teeworlds i saw it on youtube and the game looked awesome but now this thing has to come -.-. I also tryed terminal.... did------------- yaourt -S teeworlds
then it says its not an aur. so then i checked if it was right and it was right, it says only community/teeworlds......... I checked by yaourt -Ss teeworlds and it listed it up right there!
Thx for helping, if you did or just tryed helping me.
Pls, i wanna play teeworlds...