Topic: [A MAP] aka_lab by ^aka~ Destiny'

Hey Guys, I just want to get your feedback for my new map...

Name:   aka_lab (stands for labyrinth)
Type:    run map with a labyrinth inside
Size:     ~1300kiB |150:510px| (sry its actually too large sad )
Server:  ^aka~ Destiny' 8 [RACE] (ip: www.aka-destiny.is-a-chef.net:8308) here you can play on the map
Download Link: click

1st Picture (top level)
2nd (ground level)

Credits: several grafix designer [thanks for your tilesets (gras_main++, death_tiles, arrows_blue, arrows_red)]

Notify: Please don't change anything in this map. And give credits to me if you use any tilesets of mine. THX.

by `aka~ Destiny'
Teeworlds-Server: www.destinyhas.gotdns.com:8302