that was hard...
sorry if the shadows arnt that perfect
i hope you like it. i went through alot of pain to do this.
took me forever to figure out how to add shadows behind the text in the right shape
I didnt add nails. it took away some teestyle from the sign
... working on the back sign now. after i take a break
[ill make grass back signs and normal back signs because not every place in teecity would be grass] if there was grass everywhere then it wouldnt be a city.
have you guys thought about asking other people for their pre made tiles?
like the water fall animation in the water_gardens map could be a nice under water secret spring [need dummy dragging through sewers to get there.] That would speed up the process of tile making
yyou could also try to convert the tiles of jungle_main into grey so it looks like pavement and sidewalks
i found a nice map for tiles for teecity. the map is caled "1" and it is a race. i can post screeshots if youwant. its cool. you can swing chandiliers and stuff