Here is the problem with munyul proposal. It comes from single users system where an application needed multiple profiles. The problem with this it makes administration and security over the computer a mess. Executables and program filesetc shouldn't be writable by the common user. This prevents a lot of viruses etc from spreading on the system and makes a system more robust against attacks.
To make a system easier to administrate, each user get a folder where they can store their documents, music, settings etc. This is the only folder on the system that is writable to them.
This is how it's done on all unix systems. Why windows users tend to prefer the other way is because a windows machine is often just used by one person. I know that microsoft has done something in Vista to improve this and force more applications to be more multiuser aware. One of the problems is that microsoft has had a very bad directory structure (much better in vista however, one of the few good things about that os).
I know that a lot of people want this older "broken" system because it's nice to have everything that is connected to one application in one folder, I agree with this.
This is my proposal. Teewars will get a global.cfg that contains options for how teewars should behave on the perticular system. This file could look something like this.
add_path $USERDIR
add_path mods/mymod
add_path data
The first added path has the highest priority. This means that the engine will save screenshots, config etc to $USERDIR (~/.teewars under unix, "My Documents/Teewars"/APPDATA under windows etc). It will also first look for game.png under the userdir, then under mods/mymod and last under data. However, if the global.cfg looks like this.
add_path user
add_path mods/mymod
add_path data
It will save screenshots etc under Teewars/user/screenshots. This means that you very easily can add and remove the multiuser awareness and several different mods of you have. The default one would look like this.
add_path $USERDIR
add_path data
All happy?