Topic: The new weapon

There have been loads of discussions around new weapons. Today I sat down and implemented a new one. The laser!

It's basicly our version of a sniper rifle with a twist. It has the ability to bounce (number of times not decided), a long range, high damage and low rate of fire.

You can find a video demonstration about it here (use VLC to play it, no sound):

The graphics isn't done, there are no sound for it yet and it hasn't been balanced yet. We did some small scale testing with it (3 players), loads of fun. We narrowed in on a damage of 6, a range of 800 units (one tile is 32 units), the ability to bounce once and a reload time of 800ms. All these values will be tweaked in the end and we are thinking of only allowing a max ammunition of 5 or something like that. We'll see how it plays out when we start balancing everything for real.


2 (edited by ShootMe 2008-02-02 22:00:59)

Re: The new weapon

sounds and looks awesome smile one question would it make sense that the laser could bounce back and hit you as well? making it more challenging to use instead of just firing everywhere you might think twice before firing it where it could bounce back and kill you smile


Re: The new weapon

"sounds" awesome xD :>

good job anyway matricks


Re: The new weapon

That I must say, looks really nice.

Used to be very active waay back

5 (edited by KRD 2008-02-02 22:11:24)

Re: The new weapon

I sure hope so, ShootMe. May the hilarity ensue!

For the record, I really think one reflection/bounce [depending on whether it's actually a laser gun or perhaps a railgun] is enough. More just feels too chaotic on paper, especially combined with the diagonal tiles that may make it in later on. 5 bullets sounds okay as well.

As for the damage, rate of fire and range, it's impossible to say without trying it out. My first impression was to make the damage the same as the grenade launcher's, making the rifle an alternative to it rather than an outright better weapon.

We shall see.

6 (edited by kan³ix 2008-02-02 22:13:19)

Re: The new weapon

make it dmg 3 (2,1) , 10 ammo, go through players and make one dmg  less per player

6 dmg with this frequency and range is imba imo plus the bouncing thing makes it even spammier than all the other weapons together :Q

kann nix kann alles
irc: fedeago_UTzone


Re: The new weapon

kan³ix wrote:

make it dmg 3 (2,1) , 10 ammo, go through players and make one dmg  less per player

6 dmg with this frequency and range is imba imo plus the bouncing thing makes it even spammier than all the other weapons together :Q

It's harder to hit with the weapon then you think. Making it just do 3 dmg makes it loose it's point. The whole point of the rifle is to hunt down one single player that are escaping, like hunting down the flag carrier. The bouncing thing will help the chasing as he can be one corner in front of you. Making it only have 5 ammo will reduce the spam because you don't have that much ammo to waste.

In the end, we have to see how it plays out when we do the real testing.


Re: The new weapon


I don't care.


Re: The new weapon

Teetees wrote:


What he said.

For the art I´d suggest a tweak on that sniper art but with some thing with lenses instead of the silencer - it looked awesome smile. I also, for some unknown reason, really like that the ray is blue.


Re: The new weapon

Why do you not spend their TeeWars in Portuguese too?, 40% of the players are Brazilian or Portuguese. smile


Re: The new weapon

DiogoBR wrote:

40% of the players are Brazilian or Portuguese. smile

Are you sure about that, because it feels like 80% is german and 60% is swedish, and the rest is a mix of many nationalitys. tongue

Used to be very active waay back

12 (edited by Bones 2008-02-03 03:54:38)

Re: The new weapon

the laser needs some serious testing. the reloadtime looks in the video damn fast to me.

i think the laser is more or less like the sniper in soldat + wallbounces. in soldat it wasn't that hard to hit somebody with the sniper. this was actually the reason why nearly everybody used it.

a damage of 6 sounds a bit to much to me. espaccialy if you compare it with the ninja sword which sounds kinda useless in comparison. the katana doesn't make much more damage, it has also very long "reload time", the range isn't that big and you can't change your weapon. another point is, while you attack somebody, your opponent just have to shoot in your direction and you fly mostly directly into his rockets.

what i wanna say - be carefully. it's better to make the laser at the beginning to weak, so you can make it stronger in the next patch. but when you make it to strong, it could be an overpowered weapon, which could destroy the teewars feeling :x .

13 (edited by FireArrow 2008-02-03 05:26:32)

Re: The new weapon

I think six sounds quite good with the current reload time.

I think it is harder to hit with this thing then it looks, and with only five "bullets", I think you will think twice before spraying around with it.

Used to be very active waay back


Re: The new weapon

That's a great news. 0.4.0 is going to be released soon I hope. But in my opinion laser "bullet" shouldn't disappear after some time. Maybe when it hits something second time.


Re: The new weapon

Bones wrote:

what i wanna say - be carefully. it's better to make the laser at the beginning to weak, so you can make it stronger in the next patch. but when you make it to strong, it could be an overpowered weapon, which could destroy the teewars feeling :x .

The shotgun was overpowered a little while after 0.3.0 (before which the granades were the most used weapon). They fixed that for 0.3.1 and I didn´t hear anyone complaining about that. I wouldn´t worry.

In fact I think making it slightly too powerful first might actually be good since then people will use it more and we´ll get to know how good it is faster. But of course, should always aim at getting it just right smile. In either case, I´m sure they will get it right eventually.


Re: The new weapon

Mmmmh, laser beam-weapon-of-doom. *drools*

zach @ quakenet.
Available for map-testing. Msg.


Re: The new weapon

FireArrow wrote:
DiogoBR wrote:

40% of the players are Brazilian or Portuguese. smile

Are you sure about that, because it feels like 80% is german and 60% is swedish, and the rest is a mix of many nationalitys. tongue

Can even then 20% and Portuguese languages, because when I go on any server, I encotro at least one Brazilian. : D


Re: The new weapon

I like it and I can asure you that it is alot harder to aim with than it looks so it wont be like Soldat.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: The new weapon

woah, thats super-special-awesome! XD
i can think of maaaany situations in which i could need this weapon ^^

20 (edited by Bones 2008-02-03 19:10:40)

Re: The new weapon

Dreamy, yeah ok, maybe i'm just injured from some ea titles where some things where massively overpowered and you had to wait over 2 month till they fixed it sad

but why is it harder to aim than in soldat? It's pretty much the same. its one bullet/laser which is very fast like the railgun in quake. and in soldat are the characters much smaller, and you have the possibility to go into the prone position.


Re: The new weapon

bones: because in soldat you can predict where the player will move, in teewars its much harder to..


Re: The new weapon

hehe, i like it. smile

23 (edited by mucha 2008-02-06 13:23:09)

Re: The new weapon

Now got to download this VLC ... dammit
Oh gr8! Still doesn't work! Can't U convert it to any normal format plz?

ThePuMa Clan


Re: The new weapon

use the vlc player... it nearby plays every format...

the new weapon looks NICE!


Re: The new weapon

@mucha, you use VLC in windows, and mplayer in linux.

Those two allways work big_smile

Used to be very active waay back