Topic: The new weapon
There have been loads of discussions around new weapons. Today I sat down and implemented a new one. The laser!
It's basicly our version of a sniper rifle with a twist. It has the ability to bounce (number of times not decided), a long range, high damage and low rate of fire.
You can find a video demonstration about it here (use VLC to play it, no sound):
The graphics isn't done, there are no sound for it yet and it hasn't been balanced yet. We did some small scale testing with it (3 players), loads of fun. We narrowed in on a damage of 6, a range of 800 units (one tile is 32 units), the ability to bounce once and a reload time of 800ms. All these values will be tweaked in the end and we are thinking of only allowing a max ammunition of 5 or something like that. We'll see how it plays out when we start balancing everything for real.