Topic: [Mod] Freezing Mod Request
I am requesting a mod [even though i cant set up a server]
This mod is kind of like the "f-ng" mod
Main gameplay
You have players using exploding ammo+a few special weapons+hook to try to make ppl go to spikes. when ppl die by spikes, other ppl get points [best for 1v1 but team and free for all works too]
You have a pistol that explodes on impact [Tee or wall]
If it hits an opposing tee, no damage. just recoil.
If explosion hits self, it equals 1 heart taken away
If explosion hits a tee hooking to the ground/wall/ceiling , the tee's hook is disabled for 1 second
[Would like to be implemented]
laser is pickupable
it freezes other tees for 5 seconds
hammer hits people high in the air diagonally
[Optional maybe imbalanced]
shotgun is same as pistol except has spreads
grenade launcher [stronger explosion?]
I already have ideas of balanced stages for this mod so if anyone can make this mod i would be really grateful.
[i love f-ng mod but it has something missing. thats why i want to create this one]
and i dont know if this is acceptable but i am currently trying to set up a server but i have roadblocks in the way . if anyone knows a thing about makeing servers plese go here: