Fayala: Visit our MonkeyStyle forum from time to time.
I agree with both parts of the discussion.
People really think that mods are fully supported now, although they aren't (yet). So the mod-communities have to take care of themselves, not depend on the vanilla players.
Actually vanilla isn't the minority of players.
And AFAIK the 0.5.0 version was tweaked especially to make newbies start playing vanilla instead of instagib. Because newbies prefer to go the *seemingly* easy way, they chose instagib as their gametype of choice. This caused the growing instagib part of the community to overwhelm vanilla. There were less and less vanilla players and servers, all in favor of insta. So the filter was introduced to keep vanilla alive, because this is the default, pure gameplay option.
Unfortunately, the change seemed to have exactly the opposite effect on the community. Right now we can see a huge outbreak of mods of all possible types, and even the regular vanilla players start playing more instagib. This situation was bound to happen. When a newbie, discovering the available features, unchecks the default gametype and map - he sees a new, wide world that needs exploring. That's why mods are flourishing at the moment.
So right now the devs can either put even more limits on the mods, or make the mods more integrated, as to say, "free the market". On the free market all economic forces tend to reach equilibrium and balance.
And concerning the Reset Filter feature - I think it should really reset everything to 0.
~{MonkeyStyle}~ - Instagib Teeworlds ClanVISIT US: http://www.monkeystyle.tkCheck out our IRC channel: #monkeystyle on QuakeNet || Also check out the TeeWiki: http://teewiki.info