Topic: [BUG]Reset filter

Reset Filter doesn't remove the Standard Gametype and Standard Map settings, while it should deactivate these as well. This is a real annoyance when you want to search for people in all available servers. Now it only shows partly the server list while the Reset Filter function is meant to show all servers with just one click.

Hope you get it into next fix.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter


It's not a bug, it's a feature.

The devs actually want it to be like this, because they want new people to play vanilla Teeworlds as often as possible.

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

But 75% of the servers with people in them play either custom mods or custom maps. I just don't see how the rather limited standard content could be considered more important then the 75% that makes Teeworlds as successful as it is. It's a bit strange to deny your customers the mods they want to play in favor of the gameplay you want them to play. After all the game depends on it's customers, doesn't it?


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

You don't get that the developers want people to play their original game instead of modded versions, do you? And "customers" isn't the right word here, you didn't pay for anything.

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

All I'm saying is that it's strange for any project to have it's developers working 180 degrees away from the direction of the community, usually they try to cooperate and follow more or less the same path.

Considering a majority of the players embraced the integration of mods it seems like a logical step to at least support their basic needs like a proper Reset filter function which will show all available servers. Why would developers deny and counteract the player base that makes their game as successful as it is?


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Because of noobs reporting too many bugs caused by mods, which consumes too much time which could actually be spent on further developing teeworlds.

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

The reason why the default filter settings are like they are is because many new players get into the game and play some random mod and start reporting bugs, game balancing etc to me. New players should know what Teeworlds is and then they are free to adventure off into mods etc.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Seems like a valid argumentation to me why these settings are default on first launch. What I don't see however is why the Reset Filter has to jump back to these default settings? Because by the time someone starts playing with the filter settings they probably already seen enough of the original game and simply want to filter adequately for their (modified) servers.

By making Reset Filter actually resetting all filters you aren't changing anything to the principle that new players must play the standard game first, while at the same time doing something great for the large quantity of experienced players.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

"Reset" is translated to "Set as it was from the beginning" in my dictionary, so that's what that button should do, I don't see why it's a problem just unchecking those two checkboxes if playing mods is what youa re interested in. We do not officially support mods yet.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Chi11y wrote:

I don't see why it's a problem just unchecking those two checkboxes if playing mods is what youa re interested in.

Because there are way more people playing mods then there are playing the original game it would make a lot more sense when we wouldn't need to uncheck them manually.

But it's understandable developers took this decision, it's just that it's not the optimal one and developers should know that. We all want to optimize the game towards our target audience after all, and this seems like a logic step in that process. Just out of respect for the community smile


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

I have an idea: Don't press reset filter if you don't wanna play vanilla Teeworlds.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

It's not that I don't want to play vanilla, but when looking for someone on all servers (both vanilla and modified) it's annoying to continually have to reset the settings by hand, multiple times. For that reason it would be easier if the Reset Filter function focused on resetting all servers, taking out all settings and giving a direct insight in all available servers. The minority that plays vanilla could simply leave the settings on when using the search function and would not be hindered by this change.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

This topic is pointless. People already explained to you why things are the way they are. Theres one thing you can do about it: accept. And stop speaking in the name of the whole teeworlds-playing community. You are one person and the fact that something pleases you doesnt mean that it would please others. If you want to know my opinion - i'm happy with the way the filter works, and I dont agree that the minority plays vanilla and the majority plays mods. Stop explaing over and over again why it would be good to have the filter your way, no one actually cares.

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

First time I noticed the reset filter button smile .

I agree with torch by the way.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

torch wrote:

This topic is pointless. People already explained to you why things are the way they are. Theres one thing you can do about it: accept.

Thanks for messing up this perfectly legit discussion between me and the development team. Now some moderator will have to come and either clean the mess or close the thread. Next time please think before you post some useless post which doesn't relate to the discussion. Maybe these guidelines might prevent further issues:

1. If a topic doesn't interest you please let it be, there are numerous other posts which desperately need your attention.
2. If you don't like what's written in a topic, or how it's written please accept that people aren't here to suit your preferences, but have their own way of doing things and will do them regardless of what you think of it. Just saying they are wrong won't stop them.
3. If you think a topic shouldn't be allowed to continue, please report it to the moderators and explain to them why you consider it needs to be closed. The moderators can perfectly well decide for themselves when a topic has to "stop". As long as it's a decent discussion, and remains civil and focused on the actual content (as it was before people started hijacking) this will never be realized though.

Why is it that so many people give themselves the job of playing moderator? It's not for the sake of keeping the forum clean, if it was that people would use the report function and stop messing up threads with their own useless comments. Neither for the sake of helping the real moderators, it burdens them only with more to clean and more to close. We are all visitors on the forum, equal in our rights but subjected to the mercy of the moderator team. What the point of claiming their authority while not having it? It only makes things even harder...

16 (edited by Franchan 2009-03-10 01:11:06)

Re: [BUG]Reset filter

lol. this might annoy you but its just 2 clicks. its not that hard
and "reset" means "back to default" in this case, default is the normal gametypes

now i have a  question how come when you uncheck the compatible gametypes, there are lots of ip's showing up?

and does vannilla represent something?

17 (edited by o10 2009-03-10 02:20:14)

Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Fayala: Visit our MonkeyStyle forum from time to time. smile

I agree with both parts of the discussion.

People really think that mods are fully supported now, although they aren't (yet). So the mod-communities have to take care of themselves, not depend on the vanilla players.

Actually vanilla isn't the minority of players.

And AFAIK the 0.5.0 version was tweaked especially to make newbies start playing vanilla instead of instagib. Because newbies prefer to go the *seemingly* easy way, they chose instagib as their gametype of choice. This caused the growing instagib part of the community to overwhelm vanilla. There were less and less vanilla players and servers, all in favor of insta. So the filter was introduced to keep vanilla alive, because this is the default, pure gameplay option.

Unfortunately, the change seemed to have exactly the opposite effect on the community. Right now we can see a huge outbreak of mods of all possible types, and even the regular vanilla players start playing more instagib. This situation was bound to happen. When a newbie, discovering the available features, unchecks the default gametype and map - he sees a new, wide world that needs exploring. That's why mods are flourishing at the moment.

So right now the devs can either put even more limits on the mods, or make the mods more integrated, as to say, "free the market". On the free market all economic forces tend to reach equilibrium and balance. smile

And concerning the Reset Filter feature - I think it should really reset everything to 0.

~{MonkeyStyle}~ - Instagib Teeworlds Clan
VISIT US: http://www.monkeystyle.tk
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Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Maybe looking at the bug tracker before posting could help.


Should solve the problem.


Re: [BUG]Reset filter

Seems like an interesting development, will see if it solves the problem. Otherwise we'll see what other changes might be appropriate.