1 (edited by a' 2009-02-27 18:56:47)

Topic: TDM Gameplay

Just wanted to bring the topic up. Other shooters try to introduce tension and skill into this gamemode by creating valuable positions trough power ups and armor. Teewars does only have "armor shards" at the moment and only one power up, the sword, which many people might even foolishly turn off in TDM-play. I think valuable ressources on the map are critical in order to have an interesting TDM-mode, hence I'd like to encourage the addition of additional such ressources. One doesn't have to look far, in order to get an idea, what those might be - the Quad Damage of most prominently the Quake Series comes to mind instantly. In the Quakemod CPMA, other powerful power-ups have been added, exactly to make TDM more interesting. You can read about them here: http://www.promode.org/wiki/index.php/T … e#Powerups (Quad, Haste, Regen, Battlesuit, Invisibility)

But you don't even have to take one of those vast opportunities to copy something well-proven. To my mind, the sword is a quite good and innovative powerup. Maybe someone can come up with one that are as good and new in this thread.

As far as armor (and health) is concerned, it might be a good idea to introduce larger ones, even if a map author is always able to just put a bunch of shards in one spot.

2 (edited by Lanta 2009-02-27 19:28:48)

Re: TDM Gameplay

I like your idea wink
why not implementing new powerups... like in quake & ut? (adrenalin combo? XD)

i don't like powerups, bucause in vanilla 1on1's and tdm matches it's a bit unfair... -.-

invisibility could be great XD

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: TDM Gameplay

Well, I've been thinking for long that TDM gameplay in Teeworlds is rather useless but my solution is pretty different; Play the survivial mod instead smile. It keeps the current game mechanics of Teeworlds, but gives much more tactics than just killing-dying-spawning. For 2on2 TDM works, for more players I always play survival instead of tdm.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: TDM Gameplay

more tactics rofl? sorry Chi11y but I fear you don't understand TDM very much. The problem is that TDM isn't very popular, one of the reasons I think is probably because it's very hard to pull of public TDM with nice results... possibly impossible x). The maps aren't that great either, the 1on1 maps are a bit too small and dm2 is a complete disaster. More powerups would perhaps make it more popular but.. I don't know..

If more clans would like to try TDM that would be great, but I'm not expecting much. It plays more like 1on1 then DM, but obviously with more players and possibly with a bit more forced aggression.

P.S. Public Survival is better then Public TDM, I won't argue with this.

P.S.S. check out my Land of Piiko for a TDM made for lots of players (5on5+) xP. Might be crap though, have never had the chance to really try it out.

aka kiwi

5 (edited by Franchan 2009-02-28 16:31:16)

Re: TDM Gameplay

sounds nice but a little complicated for people who do not go to forums or for people who just want to play for fun

I think its a great idea but it will suck badly if there isnt a constant stream of players

6 (edited by Hooker 2009-02-28 19:15:25)

Re: TDM Gameplay

Well, I acutally agree to chi11y. The survival mod offers you a challenge to SURVIVE, like the name says and the life you have and the weapons you have should be used very carefully.
You can create tactics in this way.

Hooker's collection of the most Tee-ish skins!